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Old 17th July 2014, 13:30   #1261
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Re: Maruti Ritz : Test Drive & Review

I have a question to fellow bhp-ians.
How does the temperature control in Ritz work? Does it turn off the compressor automatically or does it simply regulate the heat by mixing it with warm air? I'm trying to find out the most fuel efficient way to maintain temperature in the car. I prefer to adjust the temperature guage to a warmer setting when the car is sufficiently cold. That way, it more or less maintains the temperature without me having to constantly fiddle with the on/off switch. I feel Ritz keeps the compressor running at all times. I pay attention to the throttle response and there is no change, no matter how cold the car is, when I adjust it to warm.

My earlier car was a Santro and with that one, I could tell that the compressor cuts off at times.

And before you ask, I've always been able to sense a difference in throttle response with and without a/c on Ritz. It's not much, but it's clearly perceptible when I accelerate hard.
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Old 17th July 2014, 21:20   #1262
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Re: Maruti Ritz : Test Drive & Review

Sorry for posting here, but I have an urgent query to all Mumbai Ritz owners.

My Ritz VDi is supposed to have its 60000km service, since I am new to Mumbai I am not aware of good service stations. Also, are there any good non authorized garages in Mumbai? I have never taken my car to a non authorized dealer but I believe there must be some really good and reasonable in Mumbai

Also, apart from usual check list, what extra should I focus on during the service since its actually getting old :(

Many thanks
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Old 19th July 2014, 19:45   #1263
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Re: Maruti Ritz : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by kanishka88 View Post
My Ritz VDi is supposed to have its 60000km service, since I am new to Mumbai I am not aware of good service stations. Also, are there any good non authorized garages in Mumbai? I have never taken my car to a non authorized dealer but I believe there must be some really good and reasonable in Mumbai

Also, apart from usual check list, what extra should I focus on during the service since its actually getting old :(
Hello Kanishka,

Though I do not have first hand experience, these are the good authorized service centers based on posts in Team BHP - Vitesse (Andheri & Prabhadevi), Navnit (Thane), Fortpoint (Thane), Shivam Autozone (Charkop), Car Craft (Mulund), St Francis (Borivali). Amongst these, Vitesse is most recommended by BHPians. Stay away from Sai Service under any circumstances.

There are a few good independent workshops too. You can find their reviews in the directory section. Two names that immediately come to my mind are Select Auto Garage, Dadar (link to thread) & Nakita Motors, Bandra (link to thread)

If you choose to go for any authorized workshop, do keep an eye on the job card before signing it. The service advisors tend to push for unwanted stuff to meet their targets.
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Old 19th July 2014, 23:35   #1264
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Re: Maruti Ritz : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by kanishka88 View Post
Sorry for posting here, but I have an urgent query to all Mumbai Ritz owners.

My Ritz VDi is supposed to have its 60000km service, since I am new to Mumbai I am not aware of good service stations. Also, are there any good non authorized garages in Mumbai? I have never taken my car to a non authorized dealer but I believe there must be some really good and reasonable in Mumbai

Also, apart from usual check list, what extra should I focus on during the service since its actually getting old :(

Many thanks
Go to Vitesse. I can vouch for their service since I have been getting my cars serviced at Vitesse over the years and know a lot of people in my circle, who are their happy customers. However, I'm not too sure whether they are 'reasonable' as compared to Fortpoint or Sai Service or even Sah and Sanghi.
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Old 20th July 2014, 00:16   #1265
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Re: Maruti Ritz : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by SlowRider View Post
I have a question to fellow bhp-ians.
How does the temperature control in Ritz work? Does it turn off the compressor automatically or does it simply regulate the heat by mixing it with warm air? I'm trying to find out the most fuel efficient way to maintain temperature in the car. I prefer to adjust the temperature guage to a warmer setting when the car is sufficiently cold. That way, it more or less maintains the temperature without me having to constantly fiddle with the on/off switch. I feel Ritz keeps the compressor running at all times. I pay attention to the throttle response and there is no change, no matter how cold the car is, when I adjust it to warm.

My earlier car was a Santro and with that one, I could tell that the compressor cuts off at times.

And before you ask, I've always been able to sense a difference in throttle response with and without a/c on Ritz. It's not much, but it's clearly perceptible when I accelerate hard.
Sir, the temperature control in almost all modern day cars works via a component known as the thermostat. Basically a control system that detects and senses cabin temperature and maintains it at a set point. Does this by employing various sensors AFAIK. I suggest you turn to google for detailed and comprehensive info.
Regarding the temperature setting, I personally set the temperature control knob to the coolest position when the cabin is hot with fan speed at max and recirculation off with all windows down, after around 5 mins bring it down to 2 switch recirculation on and roll the windows up. During long drives I have felt that it is best to set the temp knob at the 10 o clock position. Works for me. Fan speed is at 2 with rear pax and 1 without them but I do keep changing that though. And i feel it is,not necessary to keep switching compressor off and on because the thermostat is already doing that for you. Besides this practice may damage,the electromagnetic clutch of the compressor in the long run. I believe it doesn't do much to boost your FE IMHO. I might be wrong here though. And the compressor is not running all the time. At traffic signals if you listen to the engine carefully your will hear a faint ticking sound which slightly varies idling rpm which can,be,seen by observing the tacho. Again, experts please correct me if I am wrong, compressor cut off is,dependent on the fan speed you set, higher the speed higher will be time between compressor cut off.

Cheers !!
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Old 20th July 2014, 14:00   #1266
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Re: Maruti Ritz : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by SlowRider View Post
I have a question to fellow bhp-ians.
How does the temperature control in Ritz work? Does it turn off the compressor automatically or does it simply regulate the heat by mixing it with warm air? I feel Ritz keeps the compressor running at all times. I pay attention to the throttle response and there is no change, no matter how cold the car is, when I adjust it to warm.
I have the same queries as you. Would like confirmation from the experts. From what I have observed in our 2010 make Swift, it does seem like the compressor cuts off. Intermittently the temperature of air blown by vents increases for a few minutes before dropping again. This is on blower speed 2.
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Old 21st July 2014, 08:40   #1267
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Re: Maruti Ritz : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by arjithin View Post
Finally I was able to get the fog lights correctly focused. Now very happy with the set up.

I mentioned the short throw issue to my SA while at 40k service and he immediately gave me 2 options
1. use the leveling screw of the fog light assembly
2. if option 1 didn't work,remove the bumper and remount fog light with a slight upward incline.

Option 1 solved the problem.
You said that Option 1 solved the issue. I too had been to Kalyani Motors near Mysore road but they say that there are no levelling screw in the fog light assembly. Could you please let me know where does that exactly exist so that I can do the changes by myself. Also I have been looking for H11 normal bulb but could not find anywhere. Can you guide me the address where you bought it.

Last edited by Aditya : 22nd July 2014 at 11:39. Reason: Fixing quote
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Old 21st July 2014, 10:43   #1268
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Re: Maruti Ritz : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by meetbadri View Post
You said that Option 1 solved the issue. I too had been to Kalyani Motors near Mysore road but they say that there are no levelling screw in the fog light assembly. Could you please let me know where does that exactly exist so that I can do the changes by myself. Also I have been looking for H11 normal bulb but could not find anywhere. Can you guide me the address where you bought it.
I personally haven't seen the adjustment screw of Ritz fog light, they did it while I gave the vehicle for servicing. But during my discussions with the SA in the morning, he showed me a swift/WagonR fog light from parts store and it had a mechanism at the back. You will need to remove bumper to access it AFAIK.

I always buy my bulbs from AK traders, 3rd cross, JC road. They normally gives the best prices and are Philips auth. dealer.

Last edited by Aditya : 22nd July 2014 at 11:40. Reason: Fixing quote
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Old 21st July 2014, 15:04   #1269
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Re: Maruti Ritz : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by aswin ajith View Post
Again, experts please correct me if I am wrong, compressor cut off is,dependent on the fan speed you set, higher the speed higher will be time between compressor cut off.
Originally Posted by AkMar View Post
I have the same queries as you. Would like confirmation from the experts. From what I have observed in our 2010 make Swift, it does seem like the compressor cuts off. Intermittently the temperature of air blown by vents increases for a few minutes before dropping again. This is on blower speed 2.
Thanks for responding, guys. I didn't think there was a link with fan speed. I thought the only inputs that controlled the A/C were the cabin temperature and the temperature regulator.
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Old 22nd July 2014, 08:18   #1270
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Originally Posted by SlowRider View Post

Thanks for responding, guys. I didn't think there was a link with fan speed. I thought the only inputs that controlled the A/C were the cabin temperature and the temperature regulator.
Since it is a manual system there are no cabin sensors for the AC to understand the temperature inside the cabin to regulate the compressor switching ON / OFF. Hence it relies on the blower speed to deicide to keep the compressor ON or OFF.

In my ZDi, it is Auto Climate Control so the compressor relies on the cabin temperature sensor and outside atmosphere temperature sensor values.

For Example:

Situation 1)

I have set the A/C on 25 deg C (In auto mode). The outside temperature is 30 degree C and almost similar is the cabin temperature. The compressor will remain ON till the desired temperature is achieved after which it starts to decrease the fan speed.

Once the cabin temperature decreases to the set temperature (25 deg C) the blower speed goes minimum and after 30 - 40 seconds the compressor switches OFF. Once the cabin temperature increases the compressor switches ON again.

Situation 2)

The set temperature is 25 deg C whets the outside temperature is 23 deg C. In this case the composite doesn't switch ON. It just circulated cool air that is from outside. No point in wasting energy. Neat.


Last edited by a4anurag : 22nd July 2014 at 08:29. Reason: Grammatical error
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Old 24th July 2014, 09:18   #1271
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Re: Maruti Ritz : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by arjithin View Post
I personally haven't seen the adjustment screw of Ritz fog light, they did it while I gave the vehicle for servicing. But during my discussions with the SA in the morning, he showed me a swift/WagonR fog light from parts store and it had a mechanism at the back. You will need to remove bumper to access it AFAIK.

I always buy my bulbs from AK traders, 3rd cross, JC road. They normally gives the best prices and are Philips auth. dealer.
Thanks for your inputs. I purchased H11 from AK Traders and here is the result of it.

I believe still the illumination is not up to the mark but it has improved a lot when compared to previous H8. I will have a visit to Service Station and get the focusing done for the right fog lamp.
Attached Thumbnails
Maruti Ritz : Test Drive & Review-untitled.jpg  

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Old 24th July 2014, 09:54   #1272
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Re: Maruti Ritz : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by a4anurag View Post
Situation 2)

The set temperature is 25 deg C whets the outside temperature is 23 deg C. In this case the composite doesn't switch ON. It just circulated cool air that is from outside. No point in wasting energy. Neat.

Unfortunately it doesnt work this way in ACC. In case the set temperature is higher than the outside temperature, the compressor does run intermittently as long as the AC is on. Only thing that changes WRT temperature is the hot/cold mix. If you switch AC off and use only blower in ACC then again only hot/cold mix is varied, except that the compressor doesnt run. As long as the AC button or switch is on, the compressor does run periodically, except that maybe the duty cycle will be lesser.
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Old 24th July 2014, 13:26   #1273
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Originally Posted by audioholic View Post

Unfortunately it doesnt work this way in ACC. In case the set temperature is higher than the outside temperature, the compressor does run intermittently as long as the AC is on. Only thing that changes WRT temperature is the hot/cold mix. If you switch AC off and use only blower in ACC then again only hot/cold mix is varied, except that the compressor doesnt run. As long as the AC button or switch is on, the compressor does run periodically, except that maybe the duty cycle will be lesser.
It does happen sir. I press the 'Auto' with set temperature at 25 deg C. The compressor doesn't switch ON. Outside air is circulated. I can feel it when the compressor clocks-in.

I am not able to find the link where this feature is mentioned. If I get it shall post it.

IIRC & AFAIK, You own a SX4 ZXi. Right?


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Old 24th July 2014, 14:02   #1274
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Re: Maruti Ritz : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by a4anurag View Post
It does happen sir. I press the 'Auto' with set temperature at 25 deg C. The compressor doesn't switch ON. Outside air is circulated. I can feel it when the compressor clocks-in.

I am not able to find the link where this feature is mentioned. If I get it shall post it.

IIRC & AFAIK, You own a SX4 ZXi. Right?

Yes mine is a Zxi. Even with the temperature set to the highest position, the compressor will be used to de-humidify the air. That's the norm in the swift, Sx4 and Dzire. Only difference as I told is that the duty cycle will reduce, meaning compressor will turn on less frequently. Irrespective of set temperature if you don't want compressor to run you should press the AC button. See this effect when you want to demist the glass. Even as per the manual they suggest the same

Last edited by audioholic : 24th July 2014 at 14:03.
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Old 24th July 2014, 14:09   #1275
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Re: Maruti Ritz : Test Drive & Review

Originally Posted by meetbadri View Post
Thanks for your inputs. I purchased H11 from AK Traders and here is the result of it.

I believe still the illumination is not up to the mark but it has improved a lot when compared to previous H8. I will have a visit to Service Station and get the focusing done for the right fog lamp.
Glad to help.
Don't get confused between focusing and leveling. I don't think there is any focusing in fog light, it is not expected to be focused, it is expected to be spread/distributed.
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