Proud owner of an XZ+ for about two months (and some change), here to dispel a few misguided notions of the lurking non-owners. I got mine delivered at the end of Feb and have done 4000 Kms as of today.
1. Yes the vehicle had a very low range output for the first couple weeks. But that was because I didn't know how to drive the vehicle and the vehicle's engine itself, being fresh off the shelf, takes some time to get used to being your workhorse. Think of your EV as those domestic-able creatures from Avatar; you both spend some time getting to know each-other. And frankly, if you're too bullheaded for that, it would be in your best interests to do yourself a favor and never buy a vehicle outside of the class you're used to (price/performance-wise). Inevitably though, the tech even in your class will change at some point (such is the nature of tech) and you'll then have to adjust anyways. So you can either do it willingly at your own pace or it will be imposed upon you, whether or not you like it. How you deal with it is your headache. Because with time, technology always changes. Love em or hate em, EVs are here and they're here to stay. In short, don't be this guy:
2. With that said, I was getting a range of 175 Kms when I drove off the showroom parking lot. Within a few weeks of me getting adjusted to the car and the car having undergone a full servicing, I was up to 200 Kms of range (Highway+City). As of today, I drive my XZ+ from NCR into Delhi and get a range of 275+ Kms with the AC on 22 degrees/fan speed 3-4.
3. The trick is in how you drive the vehicle. Much like ICE vehicles, the harsher you accelerate/decelerate, the lesser range you get. BUT In ICE vehicles, no one really cares because you can stop and refuel anywhere. In EVs, this is an issue because you can't stop and refuel anywhere (yet). Wouldn't be an issue in the future when we have many refueling stations as we have for ICE vehicles.
4. I said my range is 275+ because it's actually more than 275 if you drive it at lower speeds with the AC off. Also, EVs hate linear lines on your power graphs. Give em curves. Drive like you were the chauffeur of a celebrity's Maybach S650. Gentle acceleration, minimal braking, more lifting-the-foot-off-the-pedal for decelerating. In addition, the last 10% of the EV's battery has been designed to extract the maximum range possible so those last 10 percentages gives you a lot higher mileage than the rest of the 90. The EV is smart enough to realize that at that particular stage (when you hit 10% charge), you're in a bit of a squeeze and so it starts shutting non-essential systems down one-by-one. No points for guessing how I know this. Just pray you never have to experience it. Your AC, music systems, infotainment screen brightness- all go down one by one once you're below 10%. For some people, it's a scary experience because it feels like the EV is powering down for good. But that's far from true. Like they say, it's a feature, not a bug. Quite literally, in this example.
5. As someone on here correctly said, don't trust the DTE. It's adaptive so it bounces all over the place. Not really a drawback, it's just too good to be of any use to a human. That extra layer of being adaptive is what breaks things for us. Anyways, you shouldn't be staring at it too much in any case, even if it's a Tesla, because you don't know whether the last system upgrade broke it. Always keep an eye on your ODO and your real-time battery usage and do the simple, basic, secondary-school math to figure out what your actual DTE is at any given time. Seriously, that should be common sense but it surprises me how it eludes so many people.
And finally, to the new owner here, congrats and welcome to the club! Don't fret, they removed the armrest, headrest, rear charging slot (from below the AC vent and moved it behind the rear-left seat), center brakelight, arm band and now the physical dials and switches for the infotainment system as well as jacked the prices up of different variants at different times of which XZ+ was repeatedly victim, no matter the slot, making it a poor choice for anyone considering the Nexon EV today. As on the other thread, I don't recommend anyone going for XZ+ trim as of today. If you're short on funds, get an XM. If you want the biggest bang for your buck, get the XZ+ Lux. They've essentially f-ed up the XZ+ with constant price hikes because it was getting too popular and they saw their chance to make some extra moolah on it.
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