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Old 27th July 2011, 11:53   #5146
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by autoenthusiast View Post
Are you referring to the Desire S ? It will cost your 22399/- on
The Samsung Google Nexus S will cost 19999/-.

Both are with Android 2.3
You have quoted a 1 year old post. Yes now the Nexus costs 18k with Letsbuy+10% COUPON.

But i believe there are better options within 18-19 k now.
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Old 27th July 2011, 14:22   #5147
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Not the most appropriate thread (considering I just bought one of the competiting products ), but still putting up the post.

- Booked a BB (after considering the Android phones in a 8-11k range) through; now the phone has been sent for delivery through First Flight couriers. Now read a post somewhere on the forum that the shipments went into delay when their courier(s) were sent through FF.

Interestingly, when I try to track the docket number on the FF site, it gives no info. When I call the FF customer care, I always get a busy tone

Any suggestions?

p.s. The fact that most of my friends are on BB swung the decision. Otherwise really had shortlisted to LG Optimus One.
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Old 27th July 2011, 17:30   #5148
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by ninjatalli View Post
p.s. The fact that most of my friends are on BB swung the decision.
Congrats on your decision in any case, but I cannot help wonder that since you say that your friends are already on BB - they might have been on BB for sometime now, and may consequently, look to change their phones in the near to medium term.
Not many, as I have found out from my own circle, may apply the same logic as you did, while making their next purchase decision.
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Old 27th July 2011, 18:10   #5149
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

An Update :

I reached my home just a few minutes back. This is what greeted me when I tried to switch ON my phone :

Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-dsc04509.jpg

I waited for nearly 30 odd minutes to see if the phone boots on its own or not.

I did a quick Google search and came to know that we can reset the phone to factory settings by following the below steps :
  1. Removing the battery
  2. Re-inserting the battery
  3. Holding down the Home & Volume Down key
  4. Pressing the Power ON/OFF key

Though I was able to reset the phone to factory settings, the phone becomes stuck right at the bootloader screen.

How can I make my phone functional? Any pointers? Or should I handle over the phone to LG service centre?

PS: I don't have the box or warranty card with me as I purchased from a known second-hand phone dealer. Further I had rooted my phone using Z4Root during the initial days itself. That said, warranty is out of question.

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
Chill. its okay man. The font size is bigger than what your display is set up for. Just either use titanium backup if u have the backup or just reduce the font size if that's an option anywhere.
There is no option in the app to reduce the font size.

Last edited by Klub Class : 27th July 2011 at 18:12.
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Old 27th July 2011, 19:00   #5150
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

1. Some people are finding this problem with corrupted sd card. remove sd card and retry
2. Some people are finding when the battery is quite low; Recharge battery and then retry
3. If above 2 fails try this - enter in recovery (power+home+vol. down)
and go to "Wipe"
Select "Wipe Data/Factory Reset"
4. If above 3 fails try either this - [Resolved] [HOW TO] Unbrick LG Optimus One P500 from fastboot mode started udc_start().. - xda-developers
or this

Last edited by dkaile : 27th July 2011 at 19:02.
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Old 27th July 2011, 19:35   #5151
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by mTorque View Post
I just noticed today that the Samsung Galaxy Pro B7510 has been price reduced to 6999/- (after applying coupon code rcomlb1) in LETSBUY. I just paid 500 more by ordering it few days back!
The price has been reduced again! Now you can buy it for 5999/-
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Old 27th July 2011, 20:06   #5152
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Back to Iphone

I have decided to stick with Iphone 4 after using my X10 for around 8 months.

1. Battery life : I travel a lot so not possible to carry the charger every time.X10 used to die down by 8PM same day but iphone outlasts by almost a day.
2. Frequesnt crashes: I'm on stock 2.1 but still every now & then it would reboot itself,couple of times in midst of a call!
3. Touch screen not very precise:typing on X10 was very difficult to me,iphone its a breeze.

Tried my best to persist with X10 but finally gave up.I was a Iphone basher all this while but having used it for 1 month made me change opinion.
Android has a long way to go in terms of stability & battery life.
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Old 27th July 2011, 20:22   #5153
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Invinsible View Post
Here is the thread where you could find the info on the rooting. Just follow as it says. [ROM + Guide]Official i9100 KE7/KE8/KF1/KF3/KF4/KF3/KG1/KG2 download and Root Guide. - xda-developers
You will need insecure KDD kernal file download from here

Download superoneclick file from here [APP]SuperOneClick v2.0 (MORE ROOTING!) - xda-developers

Follow there instruction as mentioned in Intratech's thread.
You will also need CWM manager which you could download it from here.

Once you have this you could edit or remove .apk files which should get rid of those icons and apps.

Some dev ROM comes with root file, which you simply need to download them and install the file via ODIN and you G2 is rooted with custom ROM.

Rooting or installing custom ROM does void warranty. In some cases it could even brick you device. I suggest go ahead with this only if you know what you are doing.
However you could always switch back to Stock ROM released by samsung which is a full wipe version that you could download from
Hey Invisible, Thanks for the above info. Really helped me understand a lot. Based on the above info, I wanted a lil more clarification.

Before we proceed I'd like to mention that I am running XXKG1 (2.3.4).

Now, I bumped into this thread ([25.07.2011][CF-Root v4.1] KE2/7/8, KF1/2/3/4, KG1/2/3 - su+bb+CWM4 - xda-developers) and looks like this Kernel from 'Chainfire' does all that you mentioned above. It seems to be Insecured, with Root/SuperUser, and CMW installed. 'Chainfire' graciously mentions that he has kept the ROM as close to Stock as possible (which is great for first-timers). I was wondering if I could use this Kernel (KG1 version) to skip some steps for rooting and CMW install? Is this a good option?

Please advise.

P.S: To be on the safer side I have kept a copy of the original XXKG1 on my system in case of any emergencies

Last edited by Zenster : 27th July 2011 at 20:38.
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Old 27th July 2011, 20:30   #5154
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by roy_libran View Post
Congrats on your decision in any case, but I cannot help wonder that since you say that your friends are already on BB - they might have been on BB for sometime now, and may consequently, look to change their phones in the near to medium term.
Not many, as I have found out from my own circle, may apply the same logic as you did, while making their next purchase decision.
Point duly noted. And very valid. But a lot of these guys are diehard fans of BB; unlike me, I find pros & cons in all three (that includes the apple products). Honestly I already had a touch screen phone for the last year, and I really was getting tired of it.

But having said that, I'm sure to swing back, unless BB gets it act together and brings out a rocker of a OS or some really good new model(s). All said and done, competition is good!

I guess this is going , so lets' end at that!
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Old 27th July 2011, 20:50   #5155
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Guys, need some opinions. I am deciding between S2 and HTC Sensation. S2 has everything i want but HTC has everything i need!
S2 build is too cheap for my taste. Also Touch Wiz is not to my liking. Having used HTC Desire HD in office, i am hooked onto HTC Sense big time. So i am comparing HTC Sensation and Samsung S2.


For: 1GB RAM, 2MP Front facing camera, 16/32GB storage, Super AMOLED Plus display, Cost (with letsbuy coupon, comes to 27K)
Against: Very cheap build, Touch Wiz interface feel iphonish, size?

HTC Sensation:

For: HTC Sense, Premium build, higher resolution screen, Dual LED camera
Against: 768 MB RAM (what is the TANGIBLE difference between 1GB RAM?), low storage, Cost ( higher than S2), Weight, VGA Front camera

Can you guys help me make a decision? I am really confused here.

I also heard a rumour that Sony is coming out with a dual core phone soon. Should i wait for one?

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Old 27th July 2011, 20:59   #5156
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Battery Life on my HTC EVO3D after 10 hours+ of uptime. Still at 70% with Wifi/Data Switched on 24x7. Brightness set at 100%. Note: The Charging Status showing is just due to the fact that its just plugged into usb port for Screen Capture via Dalvik Debug Monitor (ddms.bat) on unrooted phone.

Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-batterylife.png

Last edited by dkaile : 27th July 2011 at 21:10.
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Old 27th July 2011, 21:42   #5157
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I successfully bricked and unbricked my LG Optimus One P500. To say it was a helluva experience would be an understatement.

And I can never thank these guys* enough for their pointers. Thanks again, my friends.

* dkaile, clevermax, F150, phamilyman etc

Originally Posted by dkaile View Post
1. Some people are finding this problem with corrupted sd card. remove sd card and retry...
Thanks man!

I had tried the first 3 procedures even before posting my query here. But, it was the 4th procedure which helped me unbrick my phone!

PS: I'm very happy that I could revert back to the DroidSansFallBack font.
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Old 27th July 2011, 23:34   #5158
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by naveenvenkatesh View Post
Guys, need some opinions. I am deciding between S2 and HTC Sensation. S2 has everything i want but HTC has everything i need!
S2 build is too cheap for my taste. Also Touch Wiz is not to my liking. Having used HTC Desire HD in office, i am hooked onto HTC Sense big time. So i am comparing HTC Sensation and Samsung S2.


For: 1GB RAM, 2MP Front facing camera, 16/32GB storage, Super AMOLED Plus display, Cost (with letsbuy coupon, comes to 27K)
Against: Very cheap build, Touch Wiz interface feel iphonish, size?

HTC Sensation:

For: HTC Sense, Premium build, higher resolution screen, Dual LED camera
Against: 768 MB RAM (what is the TANGIBLE difference between 1GB RAM?), low storage, Cost ( higher than S2), Weight, VGA Front camera

Can you guys help me make a decision? I am really confused here.

I also heard a rumour that Sony is coming out with a dual core phone soon. Should i wait for one?
If I were you, I'd just go with what my heart says! theres very little to choose between the two, in the end it boils down to what you like/want. Whatever "Against" you have against one device or the other are hardly deal-breaking! For example, the kind of memory management Android employs means in real world situations, you will not feel any slowing of the device whatever existing app you run regardless of whether the memory is 768 or 1 GB! Heck, the Optimus 2x has 512 (as does SE Arc) and they both dont show any slowness either! So its a non-factor (till at least very heavy duty apps appear in the market which is still some time away)
Similarly Sense UI or Touchwiz is a non-matter as the excellent Android market support will ensure you can costomize ur phone to look like anything!

I still think u can buy any of the two (or even the likes of Optimus 2x) without any qualms. In real world there is not going to be much of a difference in performance (the stupid quadrant scores notwithstanding)... Just buy whatever ur heart desires and enjoy a fabulous Android experience...
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Old 28th July 2011, 04:56   #5159
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

is there any app which can measure how much we walked or run or bike?

Is it possible without GPS?

I had a sony w580i which did give approx steps covered, distance covered through running or walking.

any suggestions?
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Old 28th July 2011, 06:35   #5160
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re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by chevelle View Post
is there any app which can measure how much we walked or run or bike?

Is it possible without GPS?

I had a sony w580i which did give approx steps covered, distance covered through running or walking.

any suggestions?
Endomondo and similar ones do the job..but not without GPS!!
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