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Old 13th September 2018, 21:45   #271
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Re: Suggestions for printers

Please suggest a laser printer.

Single function. B&W printing. My Printing frequencey will not be much. And the printer should work even if it remians unused for long durations.

A hardware repair guy recommended Canon LBP2900B. He has been using this for the last 8 years and is very happy with it. Most reviews online are also positive. It uses a Cartridge 303. The same cartridge is used in an HP all-in-one laser printer too.

My concern is, it is a 10 year old model. Should that be a reasion to worry? I think, the only thing this old model would lack is built in wireless printing support.

Its price is Rs10,500.
Any other proven options I could consider. And less expensive, if possible.

Some other doubts-

1. Can I print something without the printer being connected to the PC?

2. To be able to print in Booklet format, will I need a 3rd party software, since the size will be smaller than A4 and it will need 2 sided printing?

3. I see that every printer has a different code/ number for its Toner/Cartridge. Is there is no standard cartridge size? If the model goes out of production, will there be a problem getting a Cartridge?

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Old 14th September 2018, 00:40   #272
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Re: Suggestions for printers

Originally Posted by sinhead View Post
Please suggest a laser printer. ...
Did you read the previous page of this thread? It could answer some of your questions.

As regards the Canon printer, I don't see "Duplex printing" on the specifications. That means printing on both sides of the paper. You have mentioned that you need it anyway, but it is just too useful for anyone to be without.

No, there is no laser cartridge standard. The manufacturers need you to buy theirs after buying your machine. I've commented on refills and third-party cartridges a few posts ago.

I don't know if that model has any networking? At least get wired networking, if not wireless.

Wired networking means setting up your printer within wire's reach of your router. That is what I do: if it is fine for you, it is fine. The router will give you wireless access to the printer. Of course, inbuilt wireless means you can put it anywhere.

A networked printer is also independent of any single PC. There is no need to have that printer powered up or running print-server software (sharing, is probably the Windows term).

Go back a page; check out Earthian's recent purchase. Read up some reviews of current models and compare functionality, to help you get what you need.

I don't see any harm in buying a model that has been around for ten years, but is there any reason not to buy a current model?
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Old 14th September 2018, 11:49   #273
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Re: Suggestions for printers

Originally Posted by sinhead View Post
Please suggest a laser printer.

A hardware repair guy recommended Canon LBP2900B. ..

1. Can I print something without the printer being connected to the PC?

2. To be able to print in Booklet format, will I need a 3rd party software, since the size will be smaller than A4 and it will need 2 sided printing?

Checkout the Canon LBP6030W Image Class Laser Printer. It is a Wifi Laser printer. Big benefit you can place the printer anywhere in the corner of the room, it does not have to eat up real estate on your working desk/table.

( I do not own this printer, but point to note w.r.t. the features )

Booklet format should be possible, not sure though. My HP Printer does it, even though it is not Duplex print on its own, what you need to do is once it prints one side, you have to take out the entire output page set and re-insert in into the tray and it prints on the reverse side.
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Old 14th September 2018, 12:19   #274
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Re: Suggestions for printers

I would regard duplex as essential. Even for a single sheet letter!

Still I sometimes have to do the manual thing, and rust is the time something jams, or I feed the sheet wrong!

Duplex printing is pretty basic for last decade or two. As is network connectivity.
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Old 14th September 2018, 15:33   #275
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Re: Suggestions for printers

Duplex : ideally should be both for printing as well as scanning (i.e single pass, not manually turnover duplex scan method). Also, if you use legal size, make sure it uses legal size papers for duplex printing (most can do it only on A4). Canon imageclass mf249dw does all this.

Last edited by DwarkaDelhiWala : 14th September 2018 at 15:36.
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Old 17th September 2018, 18:00   #276
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Re: Suggestions for printers

Thanks a lot guys!!

I will visit a store and choose between these.

wirelss- canon 6030w, Brother HL-L2351DW.

Wired - Brother HL-L2321D and CanonLBP2900b. maybe Ricoh SP111 Jamfree (some times available at very good discounts at shops).

I was tempted by the Ink-tank printers too. But decided to stay with B&W laser only.

Brother HL-L2321D seems really VFM. It is the least expensive and has duplex printing. Also, Power consumption of Canon 6030 = 320W, Brother = 50W. difference is huge. Some people are complaining about paper jams while duplex printing; more than 1 page being pulled; and service being very expensive.
I dont mind manually turning the pages around, if this entry level laser printer has an entry level duplex printing mechanism, which will cause trouble often. (I'll read some more reviews for this).
There are some pdfs which I dont need in the huge A4 size. I just need them printed in a smaller size like a small book - with text printed on both sides. I think this should be an option through the manufacturer provided Software. I remember seeing this option somewhere but cant recall - it was called "print in booklet format" (as Fillmore metioned).


Printers with built-in Wifi seem to have a problem of slow printing speeds and disconnects when printing wirelessly.

There are 3 ways to print. I am confused, how this system works.

Option 1. - press the WPS button on the printer and then on the router - not covenient if both are in diffent rooms. Then a password is generated by the printer which needs to be entered in the phone/tablet. And then you take a printout. Will the printer generate a new password everytime I switch it on, and use WPS?

Option 2. - Wifi direct. Need a password given by printer - enter it the phone. Will I need a new password everytime? Will the printer generate a new password, everytime It is switched on?

Option 3. To printer from a phone or tablet using the Manufacturer's App. the printer in this case the printer should be connected to/ paired with the router.

Option 4. - To printer something from by desktop - I will have to pair the printer to the router (wirelessly). Will the printer remember the connection settings with the router after it is switched off ?

Where will printer store the router related data? In its internal memory?

I feel a wired ethernet connection between printer and router should be the easiest and simplest, or a good old school printer with USB connectivity- attach any device to it using an OTG.
I am really confused at this point from online reviews.

The only convenience I need is - Not having to switch-on my desktop to power or run the printer. Not having to press 10 buttons on my phone/tablet to get 1 printout.

Also, is cancelling a print job easy? - I had an HP inkjet about 10 yrs ago . It had a strange problem - not being able to cancel a print task. Even if unplugged midway, it would again start printing from the beginning or print something pending from the previous cancelled task. I hope these laser printers dont suffer from such a problem.

Originally Posted by Thad E Ginathom View Post
... is there any reason not to buy a current model?
...At least get wired networking, if not wireless.
The hardware repair guy suggested only 2 printers which as per him cause least problems and a easy to maintain - single function- canonlbp2900 or multifunction - hp AIO. Since its been around for so many years and still in production, most reviews are good, it seems to be a Maruti 800, which just goes on and on and is easy to take care of. My inkjet gave me so much trouble that I can forsake some luxuries in exchange for a trouble free low-maintenance ownership of a tried and tested model.
Yes I feel atleast wired networking should be good to have. Thanks.

Originally Posted by earthian View Post
Thank you, Thad. Ordered a Brother monochrome laser
Please share the model number.

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Old 17th September 2018, 18:31   #277
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Re: Suggestions for printers

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Where will printer store the router related data? In its internal memory?

I feel a wired ethernet connection between printer and router should be the easiest and simplest, or a good old school printer with USB connectivity- attach any device to it using an OTG.
I am really confused at this point from online reviews.

The only convenience I need is - Not having to switch-on my desktop to power or run the printer. Not having to press 10 buttons on my phone/tablet to get 1 printout.

Also, is cancelling a print job easy? - I had an HP inkjet about 10 yrs ago . It had a strange problem - not being able to cancel a print task. Even if unplugged midway, it would again start printing from the beginning or print something pending from the previous cancelled task. I hope these laser printers dont suffer from such a problem.
Printers have a lot of memory and can store a lot of things. The settings are generally stored on non volatile memory and so you could switch off the printer and it will still remember it's settings - for example it's ip address if you have set it. Some settings can be dynamic for example the IP address could be dynamic if you have not explicitly set it and your router asigns it when the printer boots up.
The job information though is usually stored in RAM and typically is lost when you reboot. However, jobs printed from say a windows application, first go through the driver which creates a 'printer understadable' format of the job and this goes into the spooler. The spooler is like a windows cache - it keeps data there till it can be sent to the printer. If you cancel the job, all windows can do is to clear it's cache, it still cannot cancel the job that's already gone into the printer.
So, if you have to cancel jobs, it's actually better to cancel it on the printers side than on the PCs side. However, depending on how good the UI is it may or may not be easy to cancel jobs on the printers side.

Wireless printing has come a long way. I regularly print PDFs from my phone without any issues. Both iOS and Android support printing natively and most manufacturers now support it so native wireless printing should be quite a breeze. Don't discount it but don't rely on Only wifi printing either....
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Old 17th September 2018, 19:25   #278
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Re: Suggestions for printers

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Please share
Brother DCP-L2541DW Multi-Function Wireless Monochrome Laser Printer with Network & Auto Duplex Printing
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Old 18th September 2018, 00:06   #279
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Re: Suggestions for printers

Duplex seldom jams, although I am not claiming any printer to be always free of any kind of jam!

Be fussy about the paper. No creased sheets, no damaged edges. Take a nice clean wad out of the packet and put it in the printer drawer. The more often you feed the same sheet through the printer the more likely it is to jam. Yes, I've found reasons to feed four times or so... and suffered for it.

A wired network connection with a fixed IP address should be easier, or at least as easy, as a USB printer hanging off a PC. As for "good-old old-school," if I remember right, it predates USB.

I retired before the days of wireless in the office. I don't see why that should not be a simple fixed IP address too. Others can comment. We have a laptop here that wireless-prints to our wire-to-router-attached printer. It isn't a case of "pairing." It is a case that the device either knows, because you told it (eg a permanent laptop in your home), that there is an ABCD printer at n.n.n.n, or it knows how to shout out, "Hello! Printer?" on the network.
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Old 31st January 2019, 13:22   #280
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Re: Suggestions for printers

I need a printer for business use which means printing around 20-30 invoices per month. I use an accounting software called quickbooks and need the printer to be iphone friendly so that I can print just using my iphone.

I don't think I need color printing at all and don't even need any other fancy option. Just that the printer should be -
1) Cheap
2) Reliable
3) Wifi & Bluetooth compatible

Since the printer wouldn't be used on daily basis and sometimes not even for a week or ten days at stretch, the ink shouldn't start drying. I need a proven reliable printer please, any pointers?
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Old 31st January 2019, 13:29   #281
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Re: Suggestions for printers

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I need a printer for business use

I don't think I need color printing at all and don't even need any other fancy option. Just that the printer should be -
1) Cheap
2) Reliable
3) Wifi & Bluetooth compatible
If Bluetooth is not a mandate, you can consider buying Epson ink tank printers, some models have WiFi , I have Epson L210, its quite reliable and cheap ( my mother uses it for printing a lot of images for her school work), but it does not have WiFi or Bluetooth. The ink tank does not dry easily. You just have to make sure that there is no dust accumulation inside the printer.
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Old 31st January 2019, 14:06   #282
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Re: Suggestions for printers

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If Bluetooth is not a mandate.....
The problem is that unless I can print directly off the phone, I would have to keep a laptop at the factory which I don't want to do. Hence, if there's anything out there that can let me print using my phone then that would be a life saver.
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Old 31st January 2019, 14:17   #283
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Re: Suggestions for printers

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I need a printer for business use which means printing around 20-30 invoices per month. I use an accounting software called quickbooks and need the printer to be iphone friendly so that I can print just using my iphone.

I don't think I need color printing at all and don't even need any other fancy option. Just that the printer should be -
1) Cheap
2) Reliable
3) Wifi & Bluetooth compatible

Since the printer wouldn't be used on daily basis and sometimes not even for a week or ten days at stretch, the ink shouldn't start drying. I need a proven reliable printer please, any pointers?
We use HP Inkjet 3610 for our office use. This again is used sparingly for raising invoices and month end bills for expense tracking.
Works well, printing is fast comparable to laser printer.
This has eprint option but we have not activated it. Newer models should come with Wifi and Bluetooth option.
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Old 31st January 2019, 16:37   #284
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Re: Suggestions for printers

Seems like even for Wireless printers I would need a wifi router to enable wireless printing.

Is there any product at all which has inbuilt wifi and I can merely start printing using just my phone and the printer?
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Old 1st February 2019, 08:17   #285
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Re: Suggestions for printers

Originally Posted by fine69 View Post
Seems like even for Wireless printers I would need a wifi router to enable wireless printing.

Is there any product at all which has inbuilt wifi and I can merely start printing using just my phone and the printer?
Most hp printers do this. Look for wifi-direct feature.
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