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Old 28th May 2010, 08:09   #3901
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My zen's cabin light is very weak. I an thinking of changing it to white chinese led lights for better illumination. The accessory guy says it is ok to go ahead. What do you suggest?
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Old 31st May 2010, 15:47   #3902
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Smallest Aux lights ?

The Sumo's stock fog lamp needs replacement due to some rusting inside. I feel this is a good opportunity to upgrade, or to atleast put in a unit with a better light.

Requirement : The glass should be max 9.5-10cm wide. This is because the unit is mounted behind the front bumper

I have done a quick check of Hella India's offerings, but even the 500 series is way too big for the stock location.

Any ideas ?
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Old 4th June 2010, 11:18   #3903
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Review of Philips Diamond vision 5000K 55/60W H4

Car- Alto LXi
Bulb Vendor- Amba Sales, 1/7, Nicholson Road, Kashmere Gate.

My hunt for a headlight bulb began after I did some extensive night driving in quite unforgiving terrain. Reading the forum, I decided on Osram Silverstar but, later dropped the idea because of warranty issues & also because Philips authorized distributor offered on the spot exchange facility.

I browsed through the Philips range & found Diamond visions to be giving the whitest white light among halogens as well as being near equal in terms of reliability when compared to stock halogens(Halonix).HID bulbs also interested me, but, the cost overheads put me off. Auxillary lights on bumper will most probably be vandalized/broken on front impact & roof lights looked too awkward & were against RTO norms

So, I bought Philips Diamond vision 60/55W H4s. Now, came the fitment.
After doing some experimenting, I was able to yank the stock bulb off and put on these babies. I waited for sundown & boy, I was thrilled. These bulbs give upto 40% more light than stock halogens in pitch black & 20%+ guaranteed in all other situations.They generate a little more amount of heat than stock & don't void electrical warranty. These are the best stock upgrade bulbs you can get from Philips.Period.

Pics(Click image to open full res versions)
Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here-04062010095.jpg

Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here-04062010097.jpg

Auto Lighting thread : Post all queries about automobile lighting here-04062010098.jpg

More light than stock bulbs while being of stock wattage
Attention grabbers, Scream Look-at-me on high beam
White light captures better detail in terms of foliage & terrain
Easy on the eyes for pedestrians(tested by myself)
Genuine Imported part & ready replacement
Lifetime Warranty


Price= Rs. 800/- for a set of two
No blue pilot light/parking light included in the package which seems awkward


A nice set of stock upgrade bulbs. Completely fool proof & best if you don't want a complicated setup/warranty issues/HID expenditure. Now, only if they provided a parking lamp

Getting Blue Vision parking lights & number plate lights soon.

Last edited by JustCause : 4th June 2010 at 11:20.
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Old 4th June 2010, 19:04   #3904
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^hope you have luck with that while it rains :(

Tried Philips Crystal Vision, Diamond Vision, Extreme Vision and moved onto Osram's Nightbreakers now finally happy with Philips 130/100 Rallys
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Old 5th June 2010, 03:32   #3905
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Driving lights for ALTO (bumper installation)

Originally Posted by sabret00the View Post
Okay I was thinking if it's possible to cut a circle around the two bumper grills on an ALTO and fit a couple of "FOG LAMPS" - see the attached image below:

I have seen people using the small(tiny) bumper fog lamps from the Wagon R on the ALTO but I doubt if they actually serve any practical purpose at all. Mine is more of a functional requirement. I would like to install an extra set of lights on the bumper to help during night driving as I cover long dark stretches at night. If the above modifications is possible then can someone tell me which will be the right aftermarket lamp that I should be looking at taking into consideration the size of the grill, weight, durability, power requirement, price and quality of light.

I was surfing online and found something called "Hella Optilux". Can anyone confirm their availability in India? Price? How good are these? Is it possible to fit these lights on my car's bumpers?
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Old 6th June 2010, 18:33   #3906
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Got the lights of my Indigo upgraded. Initially the plan was to get a twin relay kit with H1/H7 connectors and put Rally bulbs, but then realised that I would need a mono filament bulb.
Searched almost the whole of Sec'bad, but was unable to get the relays that I needed. Since I was short on time, I decided to go in for Nightbreakers. Primarily because I would not require any wiring.
The results have been impressive (or is it the fact that I spent 3G on 4 bulbs that is making me feel that way!). Any way, as of now, I am happy. The test will be with the life of the bulbs though!!
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Old 6th June 2010, 20:15   #3907
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Originally Posted by deathwalkr View Post
^hope you have luck with that while it rains :(

Tried Philips Crystal Vision, Diamond Vision, Extreme Vision and moved onto Osram's Nightbreakers now finally happy with Philips 130/100 Rallys
I will post a review when it rains here. See, I left 130/100 or 100/90 due to warranty issues
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Old 7th June 2010, 01:36   #3908
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Hi all,

I had almost decided to go ahead & buy the Philips Diamond Vision today for my Alto in stock wattage. But then decided not to, after learning thrugh this thread that white light is problemtic during rains as visibility gets affected.

Please suggest/guide as to what I can do to obtain brighter light that would actually enhance my visibility. My preference by a huge margin is improved visibility.

After reading here, I consider following as my options, request the gurus to please suggest what I should do.

1. Higher wattage H4s with ceramic holders & relay. Please also suggest the brand & models.

2. Same wattage, but brighter H4s e.g. Diamon Vision (exept that it's white). Pleae suggest model numbers & brand.

Also, please tell which is more cost effective, & in which case would the reflector & H/L assembly be affected worse (due to higher heat generated)?

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Old 7th June 2010, 11:52   #3909
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Originally Posted by blackfire_9 View Post
Hi all,

I had almost decided to go ahead & buy the Philips Diamond Vision today for my Alto in stock wattage. But then decided not to, after learning thrugh this thread that white light is problemtic during rains as visibility gets affected.

Please suggest/guide as to what I can do to obtain brighter light that would actually enhance my visibility. My preference by a huge margin is improved visibility.

After reading here, I consider following as my options, request the gurus to please suggest what I should do.

1. Higher wattage H4s with ceramic holders & relay. Please also suggest the brand & models.

2. Same wattage, but brighter H4s e.g. Diamon Vision (exept that it's white). Pleae suggest model numbers & brand.

Also, please tell which is more cost effective, & in which case would the reflector & H/L assembly be affected worse (due to higher heat generated)?

Since better visibility is the main priority, you can go in for higher wattage bulbs (Stock color). Osram and Philips offers good bulbs. But make sure you use proper branded stuff else, it will darken the reflectors.
If you are willing spend a bit more, you could try installing HID's which produce very little heat and is safe.
I have personally used higher rated bulbs before and now using HIDs. There is a considerable amount of difference in both.

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Old 7th June 2010, 21:20   #3910
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Originally Posted by naveen.raju View Post
Since better visibility is the main priority, you can go in for higher wattage bulbs (Stock color). Osram and Philips offers good bulbs. But make sure you use proper branded stuff else, it will darken the reflectors.
If you are willing spend a bit more, you could try installing HID's which produce very little heat and is safe.
I have personally used higher rated bulbs before and now using HIDs. There is a considerable amount of difference in both.

Hey naveen,

Thank you for your prompt response, really appreiate it & your post was also helpful to say the least. HID, oh man, I would love to get them only if I had the funds. Hopefully another time

@naveen & all others:

I had been thinking a bit on this today, & I have decided that I would want to play it a little safe for now by sticking to the stock wattage. The main reason is that whomsoever I spoke to (mechanics, others not on TBhp), they said that the higher wattage bulbs would definately deteriorate the reflector over time. However I do have a query in this regard that even in the stock wattage (55/60w), there are bulbs which offer more light & so does this imply that they also generate more heat? Also how much more light can be expected, say from Philips Xtreme Power, compared to the stock (Halonix 55/60w in Alto)?

Getting onto the choices, I have listed them below. It would really help if I could get some feedback on each of these so that I can make an informed decision soon.

1. Philips Blue Vision

2. Philips Extreme Power

3. Philips Essential Power (website says it's for of-road use) --> what is the difference between no.2 & no.3?

4. Osram Nightbreaker --> heard that although it's brighter than Extreme Power but the output light is whiter & the throw is lesser than Philips XPs.

Request you all to please suggest the best out of the above, my priority being enhanced visibility over the stock Halonix in my Alto. Also suggest any other options if you think they would suit me better.


Last edited by blackfire_9 : 7th June 2010 at 21:24.
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Old 8th June 2010, 10:29   #3911
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Originally Posted by blackfire_9 View Post
Hey naveen,

Thank you for your prompt response, really appreiate it & your post was also helpful to say the least. HID, oh man, I would love to get them only if I had the funds. Hopefully another time

@naveen & all others:

I had been thinking a bit on this today, & I have decided that I would want to play it a little safe for now by sticking to the stock wattage. The main reason is that whomsoever I spoke to (mechanics, others not on TBhp), they said that the higher wattage bulbs would definately deteriorate the reflector over time. However I do have a query in this regard that even in the stock wattage (55/60w), there are bulbs which offer more light & so does this imply that they also generate more heat? Also how much more light can be expected, say from Philips Xtreme Power, compared to the stock (Halonix 55/60w in Alto)?

Getting onto the choices, I have listed them below. It would really help if I could get some feedback on each of these so that I can make an informed decision soon.

1. Philips Blue Vision

2. Philips Extreme Power

3. Philips Essential Power (website says it's for of-road use) --> what is the difference between no.2 & no.3?

4. Osram Nightbreaker --> heard that although it's brighter than Extreme Power but the output light is whiter & the throw is lesser than Philips XPs.

Request you all to please suggest the best out of the above, my priority being enhanced visibility over the stock Halonix in my Alto. Also suggest any other options if you think they would suit me better.

As I had mentioned, it always safe to use bulbs with stock wattage since you will be using it for a longer term. Higher wattage bulbs are recommended only for short period. I used it for only 1 month and switched over to projector headlights.

As for the list that you have provided, I would recommend Philips since it provided the best throw. Am not sure which one to go for among Philips since I havent used them. May other gurus shed some ideas on this.

I would recommend you to stay with the stock color since you are looking for better output. As you know, white output decreases the visibility.

Keep us posted. Anything else, please let me know.
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Old 9th June 2010, 12:10   #3912
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Regarding my ohc ,i have 90/100W bulbs installed but it seems in the low beam its not powerful enough! Should i upgrade to a higher wattage ? What are my options?
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Old 9th June 2010, 15:30   #3913
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Originally Posted by fastraj View Post
Regarding my ohc ,i have 90/100W bulbs installed but it seems in the low beam its not powerful enough! Should i upgrade to a higher wattage ? What are my options?
Higher wattage bulbs are not recommended for long use since it will darken/burn your reflectors. I suggest you to stretch your budget and go for HID's. They produce less heat and have a long life.
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Old 9th June 2010, 15:43   #3914
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Hey guys,

I have been reading through the thread and right now I am quite confused as to which one is good and which one is bad. Right now my Zen has stock bulbs. I just checked with Carnation where they showed me Philips Element Vision (if i remember correctly). I think the rating on that one was 100/90. They said it would cost be 400 bucks a piece and another 800 for the relay and stuff. I wanted the white light on my ride. But the mention of the reflector darkening got me quite concerned. What wattage bulbs are the safest as in it doesn't cause darkening of the reflectors?

Could someone give me an approximate cost in the current market? And it would be even better if someone could direct me to some good place to get it done in Chennai
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Old 9th June 2010, 16:00   #3915
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Can anyone here tell me where I can get projector lenses for HID bulbs in Bangalore? (Don't ask me which car I drive, if I get the bulbs I will fix them at any cost)
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