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Old 20th November 2021, 12:41   #3166
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by Raghunath Singh View Post
I think this was pre-planned. Take as much bookings as possible, and then keep pushing the dates further and further.
They did not commit the delivery date while taking the booking. They came up with a delivery date for few but due to the chip shortage etc they may have revised it further. I would be happy in your position as I have also booked the same variant (Bangalore) but don't even have a delivery date yet.
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Old 20th November 2021, 12:53   #3167
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

It's becoming more and more difficult to give Mahindra the benefit of doubt here (owing to the chip shortage). There is no way they opened bookings without having at least the next 3 month supply guarantee from various suppliers. Forget the 70k bookings, they are not even able to fulfil the first 14k on time. Either they planned very poorly or the parts received are failing quality checks and hampering production.

Also notice how the email sent out to everyone mentions they will start giving out CPD from Nov 25 and not on. I won't be surprised if only a handful of people (probably the next 14k) get a CPD on 25th.

That being said, most other brands too are facing similar production issues due to chip shortage. We are actually holding Mahindra to a higher standard here and expecting more from them which I don't think is unfair.

Last edited by Tanmay007 : 20th November 2021 at 12:57.
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Old 20th November 2021, 13:15   #3168
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by wadewilson View Post

Getting the new car in the new year of 2022 would be excellent, plus would help with resale as well further down the line.
Isnt the manufacturing year/month more important than the sale date? Or do people just assume sale year at the vehicle year?
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Old 20th November 2021, 14:26   #3169
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Just a day back I was told the vehicle is reaching the dealer stockyard by 24th November, so delivery possible by 1st December.

Happened to login and check the online tracking status today. Estimated delivery date now shows "between 13th and 20th December". Status has now moved to "Order Processed".

Either Mahindra or the dealer is trying to pull a fast one! Super annoying!
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Old 20th November 2021, 15:49   #3170
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by wadewilson View Post
Getting the new car in the new year of 2022 would be excellent, plus would help with resale as well further down the line. Fingers crossed.
If you want to own a 2022 car then make sure the car manufacturering date is in 2022 because that's what matters and not the delivery or registration date. You can verify that from the dealer at the time of allocation either by VIN number or form22 details. It is better to confirm so that you don't end up getttig December model if you don't want to.

Last edited by Aviator_guy : 20th November 2021 at 15:53.
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Old 20th November 2021, 15:50   #3171
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by Tanmay007 View Post

Also notice how the email sent out to everyone mentions they will start giving out CPD from Nov 25 and not on. I won't be surprised if only a handful of people (probably the next 14k) get a CPD on 25th.
To be fair, I'm part of the first 14k and I haven't got my delivery date yet. Won't be surprised if I get my email in December.
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Old 20th November 2021, 15:57   #3172
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by IamNikhil View Post
Either Mahindra or the dealer is trying to pull a fast one! Super annoying!
Isn't NBS 100% owned by Mahindra? Purely speculating here but I'd imagine they have some insider access to the delivery data that even other dealerships don't have.

Edit: Just browsed through some of the latest updates posted on the FB groups and it seems almost everyone (specially diesel) with a CPD in coming weeks have their dates postponed by at least 3 weeks.

Last edited by Tanmay007 : 20th November 2021 at 16:09.
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Old 20th November 2021, 16:29   #3173
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Hello Bhpians. So, at last, my birdie has chirped a bit. Here's some of the information I am able to dish out:
  1. So, first of all, Dealers as such have no power over whom to allocate a vehicle to. This process is being handled by Mahindra itself, and the dealers are being notified after the customer. This is creating chaos for the customers, much highlighted by the experience of fellow Bhpians such as @IamNikhil and @WadeWilson.
  2. Since, dealers as such have no power over the allocation process, some dealers had booked multiple vehicles under a single customer's name so that they could either sell the extra-booking for a premium or to fast track an influential person's request. This is the reason why multiple bookings were made on a single name and the contact information of some of the customers was not given to Mahindra.
  3. Albeit, there is a factual shortage of semiconductors in the automotive industry, Mahindra is facing inventory management issues and as such, even after anticipating the huge demand for their product prior to the launch, production mismanagement in addition to chip shortage seems to have affected Mahindra the most out of all the manufacturers. Mahindra is not having a fluid inventory management process and in addition to their chip deficiency, this is hurting their production.
  4. Although, I can't disclose the full algorithm process(as asked by my birdie) I can state that it's not fully focused on profit maximization. It's more on the lines of what-we-can-produce-we-will-sell, however the vehicle allotment process is still not clear. More details on the algorithm shall follow.

Originally Posted by NoLurkerForLong View Post
Isn't the manufacturing year/month more important than the sale date? Or do people just assume sale year at the vehicle year?
Originally Posted by wadewilson View Post
The delivery date on the website now shows - "25th December - 1st Jan, 2022". Getting the new car in the new year of 2022 would be excellent, plus would help with resale as well further down the line. Fingers crossed.
It's the manufacturing date, rather than the sale or registration year that's most important, and it is the date considered when valuation of a car for resale is being done. As per @wadewilson's information, he'll be getting his car between 25th of December and 1st of January. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but in this case, he would be getting a 2021 Manufactured vehicle rather than a 2022 one, in all probability. Moreover, almost all of the car manufacturers have a 10-15 day maintenance period of their plants and hence, no manufacturing is done in the said period. Anyone getting deliveries after Mid- February would most likely have a 2022 manufactured vehicle.
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Old 20th November 2021, 17:19   #3174
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Hello BHPians. I am in bit of dilemma in selecting between XUV700 or Jeep Compass and need your help to make my final decision. A bit of background on my requirements:

1. Currently I own 2017 XUV500 - W10 AT and happy with the overall performance of car. But, now there is an itch to upgrade to new car due to bit outdated interiors and overall interior quality plus sub-par ride and handling. Also, I have poor habit of upgrading cars in 5-6 years
2. For my next car - safety, good/premium interiors, good ride and handling is of outmost priority and I am ok with both 5 and 7 seater cars as we're a family of 4 members.
3. My budget is around 28 lakhs but I can stretch it till 32 lakhs. I prefer diesel motor over petrol.
4. Basis above requirements, I have shortlisted 2 cars - XUV700 AX7L AWD Diesel AT and Jeep Compass Model S 4*4 Diesel. Jeep costs 7 lakhs more than XUV.
5. I have taken test drive of both cars and was really surprised seeing the improved interior quality, features, ride and handling of XUV700 over my XUV500. Steering is so light in city and weighs up well as the speed is increased. Also, the body roll is well controlled. I dare to say it that it is in somewhat in Jeep's territory now.
6. Given the pricing and all other factors that I mentioned above, my mind says, go ahead and book XUV700. But, my heart is still on Jeep Compass. Need your help and suggestion to finalize one. Is there anyone on the same boat as me? Also, should I wait for 4th generation Tucson or Tiguan facelift?
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Old 20th November 2021, 18:09   #3175
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Could someone tell me why am I not seeing a "..track delivery..." Link under my bookings? Everyone here has posted about being able to track the booking/delivery status. The only option ilI have in the overflow menu is "cancel booking". No link or option to track.
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Old 20th November 2021, 18:12   #3176
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

1) Can you wait for 9-12 months for the XUV 700 to be delivered?
2) Are you ok with the premium Jeep wants for the Compass over the XUV 700 ?

You answer the above two questions and your decision is made.
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Old 20th November 2021, 18:16   #3177
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Hey Folks, Hope everyone is doing good. My XUV700 has reached the dealer yard. I'm going to do the payment and PDI on coming Monday/Tuesday. Also I'm able to see that Track My Booking page in Mahindra website got updated accordingly as well.

Mahindra XUV700 Review-car_confirmation.jpg

Also sharing here the shield pricing matrix for both the Gasoline and Diesel as provided by the dealer.

Mahindra XUV700 Review-gasoline_shield.jpeg

Mahindra XUV700 Review-diesel_shield.jpeg

NOTE: I booked directly on the Mahindra website.
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Old 20th November 2021, 18:36   #3178
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

DrseeI'm currently using the XUV 500 W8 2012 model. and it has given me enough troubles during the ownership. haven't yet sold it becase it's not much used yet. done only 40k kms and also, I don't change my cars often. I think it's a waste of money if you don't use it for a decade or so. but this bugger has tempted me to get rid of it many times over the years. the last service costed me 60k at the authorised service centre, where the wiper motor assembly was changed completely for the second time, reverse parking sensors were changed and a few other things! can you believe 60k for servicing a Mahindra car?! and now again some issues have cropped up again! reverse cam is gone, some noise is coming from from right side etc. but won't get it serviced at Mahindra service centre now. the only reason I kept or am still keeping the car is that after paying 60k, I thought it'll be only worth if I use it for couple of years now. btw my entire engine assembly was replaced in second year itself! had to literally fight with the higher ups at Mahindra for that! and the car had stayed at the service centre for a few months! so the point being, after all this, I had vowed that I'll never buy a Mahindra or any Indian make car after this ever again but been seeing reviews of the Harrier/Safari and XUV700 from sometime now on Youtube. and it's tempting me again! but I still won't give in unless it's proved niggle free after couple of years atleast. these half baked potatoes look attractive, but then trouble you. currently the plus point of XUV 700 over the Safari to me atleast is the light steering. Will be easy and stress free to drive not only in city but highways as well. had Tatas given an EPS instead, would have preferred the Safari because it has less features and it means less things that can go wrong. these aren't germans after all that all features will work same way after years also. haven't tried any of them yet. but currently the XUV 700 definitely looks attractive and I feel like it's a booby trap currently as it's yet to prove it's reliability in long term. if it does manage that, then I think it'll be almost unbeatable and will attract buyers from even a segment above like Tiguan/Fortuner/Compass etc.

Last edited by magikrider : 20th November 2021 at 18:54.
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Old 20th November 2021, 19:05   #3179
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by NoLurkerForLong View Post
Isnt the manufacturing year/month more important than the sale date? Or do people just assume sale year at the vehicle year?
Originally Posted by Aviator_guy View Post
If you want to own a 2022 car then make sure the car manufacturering date is in 2022 because that's what matters and not the delivery or registration date...
Originally Posted by Moto_Bear View Post
It's the manufacturing date, rather than the sale or registration year that's most important, and it is the date considered when valuation of a car for resale is being done. As per @wadewilson's information, he'll be getting his car between 25th of December and 1st of January. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but in this case, he would be getting a 2021 Manufactured vehicle rather than a 2022 one, in all probability.
Hiya guys, yes, you're right, in my excitement, I jumped the gun and typed the post. Regardless, thank you pitching in and pointing that out No immediate need of the vehicle as of now, just the itch to drive it on the highways and on the crowded city roads because this will be our first automatic car. Well, whether it reaches before Christmas, before New Years, on New Years or after New Years, I'll just be happy to receive the car Will be updating as soon as I receive the next stage of updates.
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Old 20th November 2021, 21:17   #3180
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Just saw this on a XUV 700 Facebook Group, posted by user Preetam Dutta! Anand Mahindra will be happy seeing this madness. Pic attached:

Originally Posted by Tanmay007 View Post
Isn't NBS 100% owned by Mahindra? Purely speculating here but I'd imagine they have some insider access to the delivery data that even other dealerships don't have.
NBS people sound and act totally clueless. Also, if I'm not mistaken, the first delivery in Mumbai was done by another dealer and not NBS. What's the point of being 100% owned by Mahindra if they cannot give proper info and are not in the loop. I had chosen to go with NBS purely because they were a Mahindra company instead of a private dealer, to avoid any opacity in transaction. But alas!

Originally Posted by Moto_Bear View Post
[*]So, first of all, Dealers as such have no power over whom to allocate a vehicle to. This process is being handled by Mahindra itself, and the dealers are being notified after the customer. This is creating chaos for the customers, much highlighted by the experience of fellow Bhpians such as @IamNikhil and @WadeWilson.
[*]Albeit, there is a factual shortage of semiconductors in the automotive industry, Mahindra is facing inventory management issues and as such, even after anticipating the huge demand for their product prior to the launch, production mismanagement in addition to chip shortage seems to have affected Mahindra the most out of all the manufacturers. Mahindra is not having a fluid inventory management process and in addition to their chip deficiency, this is hurting their production.
Though it was noble on Mahindra's part to deal directly with the customer, reducing the role of the dealer, the ground reality is diametrically opposite. As evident in my case, everytime I got in touch with Mahindra Customer Care for updates, I was redirected back to the Dealer. Between the two of them, all they did is play football with my queries.

IMHO, Mahindra should have estimated the level of interest and accepted only those bookings which could be seamlessly executed in a decent amount of time. I don't think anyone would have had an issue if bookings were halted for sometime. Production planning is extremely poor and the badge of honour that Mahindra is currently flaunting with massive bookings, etc is ridiculous! Can already see the goodwill and marketing gimmicks being turned over it's head; the tide is turning and that can quickly become detrimental for the brand. Instead of marketing, Mahindra should have focused on better inventory management!
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