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Old 30th July 2023, 16:50   #2026
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Review

Originally Posted by grepvel View Post
Hello folks,

Some help needed. I've finally been offered a ZXO which I booked in Nov 2022. Have questions on insurance and accessories?

Attachment 2483599
1) is there any advantage in taking insurance from Toyota? As far as I can see, there does not seem to be. Has anyone faced issues with non Toyota insurance?
A: No advantage - Take it from TATA AIG (Return to Invoice Zero DEp Plicy) and save 60,000 INR. I did that I am satisfied with it

2) what prices generally should one expect to pay for ceramic coating? they have offered it for 29,500 for initial application and two top ups
A: Its Useless.. Buy Graphene Spray Polish (Meguiars) for 2k and save rest of the money

3) what is the LMC coating that the dealership is suggesting?
A - Not needed in brand new car. You can get the underbody coating done after 1 year (during 2nd service)

4) Does it make sense to install the Toyota dash cam or go for after market ones like 70mai, etc? the aftermarket ones seem a lot more feature rich
A: Go for 70 mai (front cam only and attach it to 12 V socket)

5) any opinion on the attached accessory list?
Side P mold Chrome is of really good quality and seems to be long lasting (You can opt for it)
Else all the other accessories offered by Toyota including roof rails, mud flaps and all are over priced. Rest everything is available online from
For mats, Buy Autoform 7d mats from your local store.

6) As a suggestion from my side, save money and get the good quality damping done on all the doors including boot door and bonnet as well for Hycross as its sheet is thin and hollow. Also after damping, you will feel heavy doors and silent cabin alongwith improved audio quality. Incabin experience will improve several noches above if you do that. Every Hycross owner should get the damping done.. Which really improves the ride experience in real sense. I have been experiencing this since past 4 months and I am highly satisfied.

Yours is ZXO and it does not need much accessories.. Enjoy Your Ride !

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Old 30th July 2023, 19:31   #2027
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Review

Originally Posted by Paritoshkalra View Post
1) A: No advantage - Take it from TATA AIG (Return to Invoice Zero DEp Plicy) and save 60,000 INR. I did that I am satisfied with it
I checked online and it seems Tata AIG, Acko, Mahidra Kotak etc. can get you most covers in about 65-70K, including important ones like zero-dep and return to invoice. I believe any of these options should be fine?

A: Its Useless.. Buy Graphene Spray Polish (Meguiars) for 2k and save rest of the money
I was also thinking about getting Graphene coating done. Is this some DIY spray? Wouldn't it be better to get it done by a professional detailer?

BTW, what is LMC coating and what is it's purpose?

Thanks for all the suggestions, helps a lot in settling down all the confusions of a new buyer!
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Old 30th July 2023, 19:36   #2028
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Review

Originally Posted by santosh.s View Post
I checked online and it seems Tata AIG, Acko, Mahidra Kotak etc. can get you most covers in about 65-70K, including important ones like zero-dep and return to invoice. I believe any of these options should be fine?

I was also thinking about getting Graphene coating done. Is this some DIY spray? Wouldn't it be better to get it done by a professional detailer?

BTW, what is LMC coating and what is it's purpose?

Thanks for all the suggestions, helps a lot in settling down all the confusions of a new buyer!
TATA AIG is better.

The Graphene coating is sheer waste of money. The detailers will rub your whole car and make your paint and clear coat thinner. If you have a dark colored car, then PPF is better solution.
Else, if its a white or a silver car, Meguiars Spray (Graphene) & Turtle Wax (Graphene) (Spray) is just a watery spray with SIO2 inside which makes your car repel water and also gives it a glossy shine. I am using it in all my cars since many years and it helps cars to be new and yes its simple DIY with the help of a good microfiber cloth.

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Old 30th July 2023, 19:52   #2029
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Review

Did basic visual inspection of my yet to be delivered pearl white ZXO exteriors, interiors and engine bay. Also tried to drive around within showroom premises (I was told that as a policy, they never allow taking it out before registration) and operations of various buttons/knobs etc. No issues or red flags. As expected, it is officially E20 compliant.

Stock tyres are GY Assurance triplemax 2 with 95V rating. A quick search on team-bhp and google indicates that this itself is a pretty good tyre, so any upgrade may not be really necessary. Stock 18" alloy design and finish look good and premium to me. Considering any changes to alloys or different tyres is going to be quite an expensive affair (mainly due to monetary loss to be borne on stock wheels and tyres) without adequate returns, I have decided to keep it simple and not change anything for now. Will revisit in future when tyres are due for a replacement.

I was hoping that a 30-40L top model car won't require me to rip off door panels etc., but looks like it can not be avoided as I will need to install at least dash cam(s) and possibly speaker upgrades, damping. I really don't want to cause new rattles or mess with internals of this presumably already silent car with Toyota quality/reliability.

Anyone tried to replace halogen cabin lights to LEDs? If so please guide. Apart from making them look better, my main purpose is to reduce load on battery in case of extended use.
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Old 30th July 2023, 20:00   #2030
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Review

Originally Posted by Paritoshkalra View Post
Else, if its a white or a silver car, Meguiars Spray (Graphene) & Turtle Wax (Graphene) (Spray) is just a watery spray with SIO2 inside which makes your car repel water and also gives it a glossy shine. I am using it in all my cars since many years and it helps cars to be new and yes its simple DIY with the help of a good microfiber cloth.
Great. Yes, the color is pearl white. Seems like those sprays will have SIO2 and graphene mixture? Can it also be used on glasses/mirrors/plastic trims and chrome, like what graphene coating is apparently supposed to be? Is it a do it once and forget kind of job without needing any special periodic maintenance (other than normal washing and cleaning, of course) that provides better looks/shine and various protections over and above what factory paint does? If so, that is what I am looking for.

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Old 30th July 2023, 20:53   #2031
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Review

Originally Posted by santosh.s View Post
Great. Yes, the color is pearl white. Seems like those sprays will have SIO2 and graphene mixture? Can it also be used on glasses/mirrors/plastic trims and chrome, like what graphene coating is apparently supposed to be? Is it a do it once and forget kind of job without needing any special periodic maintenance (other than normal washing and cleaning, of course) that provides better looks/shine and various protections over and above what factory paint does? If so, that is what I am looking for.
Do not worry, The Damping will actually reduce the rattling in long run.

For the Graphene spray, Yes It adds to the flare and increases the shine. There is Meguiars Graphene Wax liquid also available. You can buy all of them from amazon.

My Hycross's Pic is attached for your reference. I am waiting for wheel arch claddings and roof rails to be delivered (next week).
Toyota Innova Hycross Review-innova-hycross-vx-1.jpg

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Old 31st July 2023, 01:08   #2032
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Review

Nice! Is it pearl white too or super white?
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Old 31st July 2023, 09:05   #2033
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Review

thanks for replying. this is helpful.

Where did you get the damping done from?

Originally Posted by Paritoshkalra View Post
6) As a suggestion from my side, save money and get the good quality damping done on all the doors including boot door and bonnet as well for Hycross as its sheet is thin and hollow. Also after damping, you will feel heavy doors and silent cabin along with improved audio quality. Incabin experience will improve several noches above if you do that. Every Hycross owner should get the damping done.. Which really improves the ride experience in real sense. I have been experiencing this since past 4 months and I am highly satisfied.

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Old 31st July 2023, 10:18   #2034
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Review

Did anyone see the sudden increase in the DTE range of your Hycross overnight?

Asking because I've faced this and the DTE was 77 Kms and the odo was at 355 Kms when we parked the car at home yesterday in the night and when I opened the Toyota app, the range showed 292 Kms all of a sudden though odo reading was same as yesterday night's. Immediately, went near the car and saw whether the range is accurate as shown by the app or not and found that the range is same as shown in app.

My question is, does the range increase all of a sudden due to self charging? We are new to this hybrid tech and hence this question.

And, coming to the car, the car was driven on ORR (Hyderabad outer ring road) for nearly 50 Kms and nearly 70 Kms within the city and I'm impressed with the mileage it offers.

Now, since I changed the unit to Kmpl from Litres per Km, the MID showed 20.3 Kmpl after driving it in mixed conditions.

And, our car might be completing 500 Kms on the odo today and will be giving the car for service by this weekend.

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Old 31st July 2023, 10:31   #2035
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Review

Originally Posted by car_guy1998 View Post
Did anyone see the sudden increase in the DTE range of your Hycross overnight?

Asking because I've faced this and the DTE was 77 Kms and the odo was at 355 Kms when we parked the car at home yesterday in the night and when I opened the Toyota app, the range showed 292 Kms all of a sudden though odo reading was same as yesterday night's. Immediately, went near the car and saw whether the range is accurate as shown by the app or not and found that the range is same as shown in app.
Yeah I am facing the same thing for most part it is accurate but 1 out of 10 times it just shows inaccurate value.

Like for instance once DTE was showing 60kms and after driven for about 30kms it showed 2km.

But now after driving for more than 3000kms I think it has somewhat improved itself and now accurate DTE is shown.

Last edited by Axe77 : 5th August 2023 at 06:11. Reason: Typos. Trimming quoted post.
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Old 31st July 2023, 10:35   #2036
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Review

Originally Posted by manofinfinity View Post
Yeah i am facing the same thing for most part it is accurate but 1 out of 10 times it just shows innacurate value.

Like for instance once DTE was showing 60kms and after driven for about 30kms it showed 2km.

But now after driving for more than 3000kms i think it has somewhat improved itself and now accurate DTE is shown.
Thanks for the inputs. Is there any solution for this?

How did the DTE show 2 Kms after doing 30 Kms?

And, how does the DTE improve on its own?
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Old 31st July 2023, 11:02   #2037
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Review

Originally Posted by car_guy1998 View Post
Thanks for the inputs. Is there any solution for this?

How did the DTE show 2 Kms after doing 30 Kms?

And, how does the DTE improve on its own?
From what I have observed is that DTE always shows/calculates less than the actual range, another time I remember DTE was showing 182 after filling 12 litres approx and at the same time I set the trip meter to 0 and covered around 250km before DTE showed refuel.

So don't worry too much just ask them to check it during your first service.

Last edited by Axe77 : 5th August 2023 at 06:11. Reason: i —> I
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Old 31st July 2023, 11:47   #2038
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Review

Originally Posted by car_guy1998 View Post
Did anyone see the sudden increase in the DTE range of your Hycross overnight?
It is nothing to do with self charging. It is because the fuel tank gauge is not very accurate. If you park it on a slight slope, it leads to the range changing drastically.
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Old 31st July 2023, 12:02   #2039
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Review

Originally Posted by car_guy1998 View Post
Did anyone see the sudden increase in the DTE range of your Hycross overnight?

Asking because I've faced this and the DTE was 77 Kms and the odo was at 355 Kms when we parked the car at home yesterday in the night and when I opened the Toyota app, the range showed 292 Kms all of a sudden though odo reading was same as yesterday night's. Immediately, went near the car and saw whether the range is accurate as shown by the app or not and found that the range is same as shown in app.
Even I faced a similar problem. After delivery of the vehicle, did not tank up the vehicle, but added around 15 litres of fuel. After some distance the DTE was "Refuel", where as the fuel meter was between 25% and 50%. I ran the vehicle for another 100KM over 2-3 days with no change in DTE status. Showed it to the service center, and they were clueless. As I had to go inter-state, decided to tank up the vehicle and post that atleast the DTE is showing some number of relevance, although I did not read into accuracy of it.

Another issue I faced was with regards to the MID clock. It would go forward or go back by 10-30 minutes randomly after the vehicle is switched on after some time. Got this to the notice to the service center during the first 1K service. They have done something (most probably a reset or software reinstall) and currently the problem seems resolved and in observation.

Unlike most folks, I'm getting a better highway performance (~20 Kmpl) against 16-17 Kmpl in the city. I tried ECO and NRML mode on a 480 KM-each forward and return journey on the highway. I did not see any difference in the mileage (NRML mode was ~19.2 kmpl and ECO was ~19.5 kmpl, all MID based), although the drive experience is much better with NRML mode. Have not tested ECO mode in city traffic. Would like to hear if other members have seen good mileage performance in city traffic with ECO mode.

Last edited by Axe77 : 5th August 2023 at 06:13. Reason: i —> I. Trimming quoted post.
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Old 31st July 2023, 12:34   #2040
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Re: Toyota Innova Hycross Review

Thanks for the inputs everyone. It seems that each and every Hycross owner is facing this issue.

Regarding this issue, I've called my SA and he told, its normal and it'll improve on its own after clocking 500-1000 Kms on the odo.

I guess the software update or reset during 1000 Kms service would help in solving this issue.

Also, how should I activate the EV mode in this car? When I wanted to switch to EV mode, the MID is showing EV mode unavailable and Hybrid battery is low.

Last edited by car_guy1998 : 31st July 2023 at 12:37.
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