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Old 20th February 2015, 09:40   #7711
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by Chetan_Rao View Post
I'm so fed up of the in-city traffic mess that I'm seriously contemplating selling my car and relying on radio cabs for my in-city requirements.
I am seriously thinking of planning to use the public transport. Have done some pilot studies, but need to formalise it. If I use public transport it takes around 40 minutes to reach office, with last mile connectivity a problem. Last mile has to be covered by auto rickshaw, so any cost savings will vanish then and there.

Next thing I am working on is to get some consensus with office higher ups, so that I can predict my work timings. Currently the "going back" part is a bit dicey.

In my "pilot study" what I figured out is that even travel by public transport does give peace of mind. Perhaps the individual could also check up Facebook, Twitter & WhatsApp and close all matters related to that before he reaches home. And the time remaining can be spent for the family .
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Old 20th February 2015, 09:59   #7712
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by naveenroy View Post
But seriously, is this cheaper when travelling everyday? I understand service costs are removed but how about travel costs?
I didn't say he's doing it to cut costs, did I? It was for peace of mind. Presumably he puts a very high value on and is willing to spend a bit extra for that... :-) Some back-of-envelop calculations we did puts the extra expense in the 3-4K range in a month (he still retains his second car, a Nano, for the weekend outings etc.) which I think is totally reasonable.
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Old 20th February 2015, 11:17   #7713
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Bad Pedestrian Rant !!

I wanted to post this for a very very very long time.
I thought of posting this in Bad Drivers thread, but wasn't sure. Its about Bad Pedestrians and my observation is in Bangalore only.

How many of us are affected by terribly bad pedestrian movement ?
I am not starting any movement against pedestrians, but feel it is high time there should be some senses instilled in the minds of pedestrians.

I travel on ORR, between Silkboard and Marathalli.

Some dangerous pedestrian movement spots are:
- Silk Board Junction.
- HSR Flyover ramp
- In Front of Ecospace
- In Front of New Horizon College
- Before Marathalli bridge.

Using mobile phones, headphones, texting, reading books while crossing street is a very common occuring. Much have been said and done about these and it is left to the pedestrian on what he chooses to do with his life.

A more dangerous thing that I have been facing and never bothered till last week when someone just walked straight towards my car.
He was crossing the street and one would wonder how can he come towards my car, perpendicular to his direction.

He wasn't just crossing the road straight. He was crossing it in an almost lateral / parallel / V direction. So he started crossing the road at point A, but he ended up at some other place on the other side of the road, rather than opposite to where he started.

This causes:
- More vehicles for him to clear.
- More vehicles to slow down, slowing down traffic.
- More dangerous as he might not be in a straight line of view for all the vehicles.

See the picture below and let me know who all are affected by this kind of stupid pedestrian movement !!

Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation-pedestrian.jpg
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Old 20th February 2015, 13:10   #7714
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by binand View Post
I didn't say he's doing it to cut costs, did I? It was for peace of mind. Presumably he puts a very high value on and is willing to spend a bit extra for that... :-) Some back-of-envelop calculations we did puts the extra expense in the 3-4K range in a month (he still retains his second car, a Nano, for the weekend outings etc.) which I think is totally reasonable.
No, you didn't. And yes, if you can afford to pay a premium for peace of mind, it does make sense. A friend of mine who commutes from Ejipura to Whitefield every day has also arranged a cab to transport him everyday now. Though he shares it with other people.
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Old 20th February 2015, 21:28   #7715
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Re: Bad Pedestrian Rant !!

Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post
Using mobile phones, headphones, texting, reading books while crossing street is a very common occuring. Much have been said and done about these and it is left to the pedestrian on what he chooses to do with his life.
Amazing how people trust the drivers to stop and let them cross the road. There are also other sort of pedestrians - apparently deaf ones - who do not bother even when you blow the horn.

Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post
let me know who all are affected by this kind of stupid pedestrian movement !!
On the contrary I wouldn't blame the pedestrians either. How many drivers stop their vehicles at pedestrian crossing and let them cross?
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Old 20th February 2015, 22:20   #7716
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Re: Bad Pedestrian Rant !!

Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post
How many of us are affected by terribly bad pedestrian movement ?
Few antics that really irritate me -
  • You are crossing the road, you spot a car that slows down to allow you to cross the road, you realize that the car has actually slowed down for you & now you continue to cross the road at a slower pace in Slow motion
  • You cross the road without even turning your head towards the traffic turning a blind eye, may be in fear that you can't watch cars appearing too close to you or in confidence that I've got Brakes and I'll stop for you, no matter what
  • You are 3 best buddies, you eat, talk and work together. But for heaven's sake, don't walk side by side on a main road in the direction that traffic moves discussing how spicy was that lunch you just had
  • Holding onto Mobile phones with a conversation and hooked to Headphones has become such a common occurrence off late that these very cool Dudes and Dudettes when they have kids will panic when they realize that its born without headphones!!
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Old 22nd February 2015, 09:11   #7717
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Yesterday (21/2) had the misfortune to go for the aero show in Yelahanka. Had to go till Jalahalli where my brother-in-law (who is an airforce officer) had passes for us; started from his home at 9 AM. Arrived at the parking spot in front of the Yelahanka airforce base at 12 noon. Yes, it took nearly 3 hours from Hebbal interchange to the airforce base. It was very rare when I even managed to get into second gear. By the time we reached the morning air display, on which my son was keen, was over.

I wonder how people who had flights to catch coped.
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Old 22nd February 2015, 19:37   #7718
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by binand View Post
Yesterday (21/2) had the misfortune to go for the aero show in Yelahanka. Had to go till Jalahalli where my brother-in-law (who is an airforce officer) had passes for us; started from his home at 9 AM.
I feel this was expected :(. On the day of inauguration even the state's Chief Minister got stuck up . And this is when he is generally given a preferred route, and a pilot and escort vehicle. But things just did not move.
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Old 24th February 2015, 07:51   #7719
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

There was a mini traffic jam at 6:30 AM just after Innovative Multiplex near Marathahalli. A dump truck had broken down on the ring road on the extreme right just after the speed breaker where you take left to Marathahalli Ramp.

Hope it doesn't cause chaos

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Old 24th February 2015, 08:16   #7720
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by binand View Post
Yesterday (21/2) had the misfortune to go for the aero show in Yelahanka. Had to go till Jalahalli where my brother-in-law (who is an airforce officer) had passes for us; started from his home at 9 AM. Arrived at the parking spot in front of the Yelahanka airforce base at 12 noon. Yes, it took nearly 3 hours from Hebbal interchange to the airforce base. It was very rare when I even managed to get into second gear. By the time we reached the morning air display, on which my son was keen, was over.

I wonder how people who had flights to catch coped.
If you came all the way till Jalahalli, why did you even head back to Hebbal ? All you had to do was travel to Yelahanka from Jalahalli via MS Palya and head over to the venue.
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Old 24th February 2015, 08:36   #7721
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by rjstyles69 View Post
If you came all the way till Jalahalli, why did you even head back to Hebbal ? All you had to do was travel to Yelahanka from Jalahalli via MS Palya and head over to the venue.
Heh. Another cousin of mine, who had come to Jalahalli for the same purpose (pick up passes) and started earlier for the venue, arrived AFTER me. Such was the jam on this route.

In other news, there is more digging planned for Bangalore:

Elsewhere in the world, cross-city connections are facilitated by way of orbital roads - from London to Hyderabad to Sydney to Lahore city planners have learnt this lesson. What works for the world probably does not work for Bangalore.
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Old 24th February 2015, 09:20   #7722
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Re: Bad Pedestrian Rant !!

Originally Posted by Soumyajit9 View Post
How many of us are affected by terribly bad pedestrian movement ?
I am not starting any movement against pedestrians, but feel it is high time there should be some senses instilled in the minds of pedestrians.
Originally Posted by paragsachania View Post
Few antics that really irritate me -
I think we kind of need to take some blame on us as well - how many of you would voluntarily stop before a zebra crossing?

Example: I live near Richmond Road and I often see poeple waiting to cross the road at a Crossing which is preceded by a Yellow light (Near Rahhams' Resturant). It is absolutely pathetic to see no one stop. I mean people have to wait for the traffic to slow down and then go ahead as a group; and even then they are greeted with angry stares.

Yes, there are people who run across the road - but lets be a bit logical here. Cars, Bikes, Buses, Tempos, Trucks - absolutely no one stops for pedestians. I have had instances when I stopped on the right most side, people cross my car and are still waiting for others to stop

And the kind of antics you have mentioned is more likely to get them killed on the road, and I am not saying there aren't people who do so, but they are very few compared to those people who cross the road with a prayer on their lips and anxiety in their mind.

No offence meant to anyone, but we really need an overhaul of the road manners in India. It is an absolute terror to cross the road, so I guess, waiting that two minutes (at max) shouldn't be something we need to whine about.

Last edited by pratyush6 : 24th February 2015 at 09:26.
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Old 24th February 2015, 09:28   #7723
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by binand View Post
Heh. Another cousin of mine, who had come to Jalahalli for the same purpose (pick up passes) and started earlier for the venue, arrived AFTER me. Such was the jam on this route.

In other news, there is more digging planned for Bangalore:

Elsewhere in the world, cross-city connections are facilitated by way of orbital roads - from London to Hyderabad to Sydney to Lahore city planners have learnt this lesson. What works for the world probably does not work for Bangalore.
It would take hours to reach the orbital roads ! I think the article mentions that we are a radial city and most are in the middle with no way to get out.
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Old 24th February 2015, 11:10   #7724
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by srishiva View Post
It would take hours to reach the orbital roads ! I think the article mentions that we are a radial city and most are in the middle with no way to get out.
If you read the article closely, you'll find that these elevated roads are ostensibly to improve connectivity from diametrically opposite peripheral points (Silk Board to Hebbal, for example).

All the cities I mentioned (except Sidney) are radial cities too. They don't have trouble using a well-designed orbital?
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Old 24th February 2015, 11:21   #7725
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Re: Rants on Bangalore's traffic situation

Originally Posted by binand View Post
In other news, there is more digging planned for Bangalore:
The elevated roads fall exactly on the lines planned for metro. I bet this won't be approved and looks like a result of brainstorming exercise done by BBMP folks (without considering who will foot the bill).
What works for the world probably does not work for Bangalore.
Bangalore is/will be developed based on the self-interested of the BBMP contractors. What is in the interest of contractors is usually not in the interest of the city
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