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Old 17th September 2023, 07:19   #15781
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by Maibaa View Post
There is never a problem in bringing a phone through customs.
Originally Posted by Eddy View Post
A friend carried an iphone, 2 x chargers & 2x lightning cables - all sealed packed for me from US to Delhi last year. No problem
Just as a gentle warning to other members, this is not always the case. There is quite a high risk of being hassled at customs. Requoting my post from last year when my family was carrying an iPhone 14 Pro Max for me:

Originally Posted by s4ch View Post
Note: My family brought down the iPhone from the UK. They kept it in their hand luggage sealed in the box and was stopped at customs. The whole thing was a sham with the officer's quoting random amounts of duty and saying each person is only allowed one Phone as per Govt of India law etc and anything else is taxable. Eventually they were clear and directly said that they will take a lower amount but no receipt. This was their real endgame obviously. Spoke very respectfully throughout though. My family member asked for a copy of these rules (I was ready to pay if legally required with an appropriate receipt of course), but after about 30 mins of not being able to produce them they asked them go without paying a penny. My family found the experience shocking but unfortunately that is the reality here.

TLDR: If you are bringing it down from abroad, suggest to take it out of the box and keep in a case to avoid the hassle.
I also had bought an iPhone 14 from Singapore earlier this year. While travelling back to India, I took the phone out of the box, kept it in my pocket and placed the box separately in the check in luggage. No issues this way.

This is just FYI to avoid hassles, as legally there can't be anything wrong for bringing a phone in for personal use.
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Old 17th September 2023, 12:50   #15782
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by ChetanM6 View Post
I am planning to ask my brother to pick up the iPhone 15 pro from the USA. Couple of questions:
1. Which variant to buy - I assume that one that says "Connect with any carrier after you get your new iPhone" ?

4. Lastly, does my brother have to remove the phone from box and only get the phone and charger to India?
1. Yes, the one with "connect with any carrier later".
4. Don't fret. Simply break/remove the seal on the box and still keep the phone inside it. It alone indicates that you're getting the phone for personal use.
However, no one will even bother if it's only 1 iPhone that your brother is getting.
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Old 17th September 2023, 18:14   #15783
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by MyLife_MyCar View Post
4. Don't fret. Simply break/remove the seal on the box and still keep the phone inside it. It alone indicates that you're getting the phone for personal use.
This is correct. It’s okay even if you keep the iPhone in the same box albeit with a broken seal. It just means that you haven’t got it for sale or the likes. I know you can still resell it , but not as ‘new’. Some legal stuff these custom people have.
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Old 18th September 2023, 21:19   #15784
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by s4ch View Post
This is just FYI to avoid hassles, as legally there can't be anything wrong for bringing a phone in for personal use.
Originally Posted by MyLife_MyCar View Post
4. Don't fret. Simply break/remove the seal on the box and still keep the phone inside it.
To highlight one issue..

Traveller is allowed to import articles for personal use, however duty is till applicable.

For a Phone that costs 1 lakh in India :
  1. No duty for 50k
  2. 38.5% duty on 50k. (35% + 3.5%)
  3. Total customs duty : 19.25k

So, this depends on chance. Office can impose duty if they wish to.
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Old 19th September 2023, 00:30   #15785
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Re: The iPhone Thread

iOS17 is now available for installation via the software update section. I just hurriedly moved to iOS17 rather than wait for a few days to know the bugs. iOS16 never gave smooth experience in my iPhone 11.

Observations after 15 minutes of use:
1. The stutter and lag during scrolling is completely gone with iOS17. It was a mild stutter or lag in iOS16 but still having smooth motion is better.

2. Typing is better. I am making fewer typo. Still, I will continue proof reading my posts twice to minimize typo.

3. Some tweaks to the phone, messaging and facetime apps.

The iPhone Thread-img_6671.png

Last edited by PaddleShifter : 19th September 2023 at 00:34.
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Old 20th September 2023, 15:23   #15786
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Re: The iPhone Thread

iOS17- The contact cards have become ugly. iPhone is slowly losing the classic undertone styles and moving towards the more flashy Android themes.
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Old 20th September 2023, 17:42   #15787
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Hi all,

iPhone 13 256 gb is selling for 61k on Flipkart right now. I'm using s21fe right now and I'm fed up with its pathetic battery life. I'm thinking of switching over to iPhone. Is it worth switching over? I just want a reliable phone with atleast a day's battery life.
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Old 20th September 2023, 20:14   #15788
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by sayyam.gaur58 View Post
Hi all,

iPhone 13 256 gb is selling for 61k on Flipkart right now. I'm using s21fe right now and I'm fed up with its pathetic battery life. I'm thinking of switching over to iPhone. Is it worth switching over? I just want a reliable phone with atleast a day's battery life.
Just go for it. I have been using iphones since a decade now and trust me its worth every cent...
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Old 20th September 2023, 20:41   #15789
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by sayyam.gaur58 View Post
iPhone 13 256 gb is selling for 61k on Flipkart right now.
Just so you know; the iPhone 15 Pro gets the A17 Pro chip, 15 gets the A16, while the 13 is on A15. So, the 13 is two generations down already. Unless you use your phones for just a couple of years, buying the 13 now will make it outdated very quickly.

Also, you might get the 15 for ~70k with credit card offers + exchange etc. so that'll be a better option any day.
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Old 20th September 2023, 21:04   #15790
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by sayyam.gaur58 View Post
Hi all,

iPhone 13 256 gb is selling for 61k on Flipkart right now. I'm using s21fe right now and I'm fed up with its pathetic battery life. I'm thinking of switching over to iPhone. Is it worth switching over? I just want a reliable phone with atleast a day's battery life.
Samsungs are notorious for being the best phone in Y1 and their performance and battery life degrading consistently from Y2 onwards.

Originally Posted by saket77 View Post
iOS17- The contact cards have become ugly. iPhone is slowly losing the classic undertone styles and moving towards the more flashy Android themes.
I beg to differ. They look great and it's a personal choice. If you don't like incoming calls via. pictures, you can set different "classy" options.

Originally Posted by sumathindra View Post
Just go for it. I have been using iphones since a decade now and trust me its worth every cent...

Originally Posted by libranof1987 View Post
Just so you know; the iPhone 15 Pro gets the A17 Pro chip, 15 gets the A16, while the 13 is on A15. So, the 13 is two generations down already. Unless you use your phones for just a couple of years, buying the 13 now will make it outdated very quickly.

Also, you might get the 15 for ~70k with credit card offers + exchange etc. so that'll be a better option any day.
Wrong. iPhone Pro and Promax only will get A17 Chips, the other 15 versions will still get the older chip (A16 Chip).

There is no way with any offers you can get a 15 Pro or Promax for INR 70k. From what I noticed, they are retailed at 140K and 180K (or, something around there).

iPhones are not like Android phones. Their performance stays similar for many, many years unlike android phones.

While I love Apple, I also see through their marketing bull, A17 chip vs. A15 chip (speed and performance wise, A17 might be much better but, the A15 is no slouch and for our daily mundane tasks it's still a blazing fast machine).

For longevity the existing A15 performance will be same for the user for another 3-4 years easily as they don't degrade year on year like android phones.
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Old 20th September 2023, 21:13   #15791
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by sayyam.gaur58 View Post
Hi all,

iPhone 13 256 gb is selling for 61k on Flipkart right now. I'm using s21fe right now and I'm fed up with its pathetic battery life. I'm thinking of switching over to iPhone. Is it worth switching over? I just want a reliable phone with atleast a day's battery life.
Go for it.
I bought the 13 last year. Extremely happy with it. There will always be pros and cons for any product but if pros outshines the cons then it's a great product which iphones are mostly.

Wait for BBD sale. It's rumoured to come in 1st week of oct. You can get this much cheaper and even get iphone 14 for the price you are paying right now for 13.
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Old 20th September 2023, 21:14   #15792
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post
Wrong. iPhone Pro and Promax only will get A17 Chips, the other 15 versions will still get the older chip (A16 Chip).
Haven't I said exactly just that?

There is no way with any offers you can get a 15 Pro or Promax for INR 70k.
I've referenced the 15. Not the 15 Pro or Pro Max.

The 15 is 80k, so with HDFC credit card offer (typically 6k) and an exchange of the old phone on say Cashify for a further 4k, the new 15 comes to 70k.

iPhones are not like Android phones. Their performance stays similar for many, many years unlike android phones.
You're preaching to the choir, my friend. I'm just as much an Apple fanboi as you are, just a little poorer and more conservative. If I were in the US (as I was at one point of time) though, I wouldn't be so.

While I love Apple, I also see through their marketing bull, A17 chip vs. A15 chip (speed and performance wise, A17 might be much better but, the A15 is no slouch and for our daily mundane tasks it's still a blazing fast machine).

For longevity the existing A15 performance will be same for the user for another 3-4 years easily as they don't degrade year on year like android phones.
Personal discretion, but I wouldn't buy a phone that has two year old hardware. And if the 13 is available at 61k and you could get the just-launched 15 for 10k more, I'd prefer that any day.

If someone wants to flip their phone every other year, sure. But if you keep it longer, get the latest. There is noticeable degradation third year onwards.

Last edited by libranof1987 : 20th September 2023 at 21:38.
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Old 20th September 2023, 21:28   #15793
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by libranof1987 View Post

I've referenced the 15. Not the 15 Pro or Pro Max.

You're preaching to the choir, my friend. I'm just as much an Apple fanboi as you are, just a little poorer and more conservative. If I were in the US (as I was at one point of time) though, I wouldn't be so.
Then I spoke out of turn.

I have zero experience with base models as we always buy their flagship ones.

IMO, the real iPhones are their Pro Models which gives you the true apple experience (performance, camera and battery life).

My wife unlike me is conservative and just changed her iPhone XS MAX after 4 + -years and it had 84% battery and looked & worked just like new. I had to get into a fight with her to buy her a 14 Promax.

Bottomline, Pro models work great even for 4+ years from my personal experience.

P.S : Location does not matter.When I was in India, I was doing the same what I do now.
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Old 20th September 2023, 21:45   #15794
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post

I beg to differ. They look great and it's a personal choice. If you don't like incoming calls via. pictures, you can set different "classy" options.
Not the incoming call screen. I speak about the page that opens when you choose to see contact details. But yes, personal choice I agree.

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Old 20th September 2023, 21:45   #15795
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Re: The iPhone Thread

Originally Posted by mobike008 View Post
Then I spoke out of turn.

I have zero experience with base models as we always buy their flagship ones.
Right. But our man is buying the 13, not the 13 Pro, not the 13 Pro Max. So, this advice,

IMO, the real iPhones are their Pro Models which gives you the true apple experience (performance, camera and battery life).
will only make him an unhappy user. Which, as members of the Apple Fanboy Association, you and I both don't want.
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