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Old 9th September 2011, 17:43   #5791
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

When I first moved to CM7, my Defy was ridiculously fast with a Quadrant score of 2483. Later when I moved to CM7 RC1, I lost at least 150 points, became little slower and less stable too. Today I moved RC1.5 and the score is down another 200 points and even slower.

Currently not too happy. Should I do a clean install of CM7 from Froyo onwards? Is there any other decent custom ROM I can consider? How is the leaked Motorola version of GingerBread?

How is this one? :

Last edited by Samurai : 9th September 2011 at 17:55.
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Old 9th September 2011, 18:41   #5792
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by mayankk View Post
Had tried that. In fact, was aware fo that post, and actually had referred somebody else to that link.
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Old 10th September 2011, 00:41   #5793
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
There are some softwares (as usual on XDA) which can do it. like this for example:
apns-conf.xml worldwide internet settings - xda-developers

Not tried it - because CM7 etc work out of the box!

so inspired by you i went and installed ms2ginger. its a blurred rom (no blur activated by me so far). battery performance is looking QUITE nice as of now.

Very nice/stable - the only issue is an almost imperceptible BIT of lag (too heavy animations it has) and the weather widget only works for chinese cities
oh nice . Can you tell me the exact steps u did. I just rooted the phone a while back and im actually pretty happy with 2.2. Im willing to try out this ROM though.
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Old 10th September 2011, 00:52   #5794
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I installed WajkIUI 1.9.2 and the damn thing kept throwing non-stop application errors and allowed emergency calls only. Came running back to CM7 RC1.5. Phew!
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Old 10th September 2011, 17:10   #5795
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I am back with more doubts.

1. Is the Samsung Galaxy S i9000 discountinued? I checked with croma as well as 2 other shops and all 3 gave me same response.

They all said that after SGS2 release company has stopped i9000 and are only selling / supplying Galaxy sLCD i9003 and SGS2.

2. Is the Galaxy SLCD i9003 2.3 upgradeable? I couldn't find any formal information for the same on Samsung India site. Any users here? Pls shed some light.
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Old 11th September 2011, 09:40   #5796
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Samurai View Post
When I first moved to CM7, my Defy was ridiculously fast with a Quadrant score of 2483. Later when I moved to CM7 RC1, I lost at least 150 points, became little slower and less stable too. Today I moved RC1.5 and the score is down another 200 points and even slower.

Currently not too happy. Should I do a clean install of CM7 from Froyo onwards? Is there any other decent custom ROM I can consider? How is the leaked Motorola version of GingerBread?

How is this one? : [ROM]MS2Ginger 1.0 + update 1 (09.09.2011) Android 2.3.4, 720p record, panorama, blur - xda-developers
That's the same one I have used. My thoughts:
+ Good on battery. But I was using only 1/3 email clients in this interval - went back to 2/3 email clients and battery drain was significant again. So not sure net net.
+ Has a super call recorder
+ The capacitative touch buttons are lit up perfectly, unlike CM7
+ has a nice smart dialer (non qwerty but still!)
+ has a decent bundle of apps (alot of them OE motorola)
- There is a lag. Quite significant really. Its decent when it gets onto playing games though.
- You need a weather widget from the market. Stock runs off and searches in chinese - so FAIL
- The torch application is hidden somewhere. I can neither run it nor uninstall it properly with Titanium backup.
- Some dialer screens show a bit of chinese
- Some random screwup with the address book - so it uses the SIM entries (without asking u) and every one will have double phone entries & u need to select. Then, in incoming calls, no caller ID is displayed.

Originally Posted by CaliAtenza View Post
oh nice . Can you tell me the exact steps u did. I just rooted the phone a while back and im actually pretty happy with 2.2. Im willing to try out this ROM though.
Don't. See above.

Originally Posted by Samurai View Post
I installed WajkIUI 1.9.2 and the damn thing kept throwing non-stop application errors and allowed emergency calls only. Came running back to CM7 RC1.5. Phew!
Woah Welcome to the crazy world of alpha ROMs - ms2ginger isnt half as stable as RC0 was! I prefer stable betas anyday!
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Old 11th September 2011, 20:20   #5797
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Problem with Galaxy S2

I bought a SGS2 recently, and it has giving me lots of problems. First, it refused to start till I charged it for 8+ hours. And then it keeps on freezing (after half a day of normal use) and now refuses to start. I am switching from Nokia E72, and wondering whether I made the right choice - all these fancy features might not be worth it if the phone is unstable, and can't do the basic stuff.

Anyway, I bought it through Flipkart, and have requested them to replace my phone with a new piece. I hope that my problems are due to a one-off lemon, and not reflective of SGS2 bugs in general.

Was reading through some of the posts: seems everyone is an Android guru - this thread contains more flashing than in a world exhibitionist meet. Can't someone just use the phone as it is without rooting/upgrading/ whatever? Any issue with the basic Android 2.3 OS that the phone comes with?

Question: should a new android phone be charged the first time for 8 hours or till it says 100% charged? Also, while charging, should I keep the phone switched off, or can I play around with it while it is being charged? Any significant difference in subsequent battery efficiency if I use the phone when it is getting charged?

Last edited by nilanjanray : 11th September 2011 at 20:22.
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Old 11th September 2011, 20:42   #5798
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Re: Problem with Galaxy S2

@Samurai: The other fantastic bit on ms2ginger is the camera - really topnotch and has 720p video. Really good for macro even with flash.

Nilanjan - replies inline.

Originally Posted by nilanjanray View Post
I bought a SGS2 recently, and it has giving me lots of problems. First, it refused to start till I charged it for 8+ hours. And then it keeps on freezing (after half a day of normal use) and now refuses to start. I am switching from Nokia E72, and wondering whether I made the right choice - all these fancy features might not be worth it if the phone is unstable, and can't do the basic stuff.
Umm, honestly - you got a lemon. Chillax. Get a decent piece - you'll forget the E72 quicker than you can say E72.

Anyway, I bought it through Flipkart, and have requested them to replace my phone with a new piece. I hope that my problems are due to a one-off lemon, and not reflective of SGS2 bugs in general.

Was reading through some of the posts: seems everyone is an Android guru - this thread contains more flashing than in a world exhibitionist meet. Can't someone just use the phone as it is without rooting/upgrading/ whatever?
ROTFL. Bad joke. No one's exhibiting anything. even the guru dkaile doesnt acknowledge himself as one! No one's advocating rooting blindly. On Defy, some are happy with the OEM Froyo. Some are not - and we upgrade and play around. got a problem with it? Skip those posts!

Any issue with the basic Android 2.3 OS that the phone comes with?
Because we can.Do you ask junta why they cosmetically mod the car, or if they put a K&N? or whatever?

Question: should a new android phone be charged the first time for 8 hours or till it says 100% charged? Also, while charging, should I keep the phone switched off, or can I play around with it while it is being charged? Any significant difference in subsequent battery efficiency if I use the phone when it is getting charged?
My Defy was 100% charged when I opened the box. Nothing will happen if u use it while being charged (max let it charge 1-2% before u switch on, if its been totally drained). Relax. Modern batteries are far more efficient than what you're worrying about.
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Old 11th September 2011, 22:46   #5799
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Re: Problem with Galaxy S2

Originally Posted by nilanjanray View Post
Question: should a new android phone be charged the first time for 8 hours or till it says 100% charged? Also, while charging, should I keep the phone switched off, or can I play around with it while it is being charged? Any significant difference in subsequent battery efficiency if I use the phone when it is getting charged?
I also had same question when I got my android (HTC Sensation). Read around a lot and basically there are two schools of thought about first use. One says you should charge for about 8 hours and then only use the phone (keep it off while charging). The other school of thought says that just play with the new phone till the battery is dead and then charge it for 8 hours or so (while it being switched off). You can do overnight charging. Repeat this process (killing battery till it drops to 1-2% and then overnight/8 hours charging) 4-5 times. This helps with calibrating the battery so that it shows proper figures.

For some inexplicable reason I subscribed to the second school of thought at that time. I think both are equally valid. i might have been too excited to play with the phone at that time and hence went for it.

In any case its always nice to calibrate the battery once a month. For that you just use the phone till the battery is dead (down to 1-2%) and then charge it overnight with the phone switched off.
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Old 11th September 2011, 23:27   #5800
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by nilanjanray View Post
Was reading through some of the posts: seems everyone is an Android guru - this thread contains more flashing than in a world exhibitionist meet. Can't someone just use the phone as it is without rooting/upgrading/ whatever? Any issue with the basic Android 2.3 OS that the phone comes with?

That one is real funny.

If all of us drove / used / cared for our cars the same way rest of the world does, there was no need for tbhp.

If we used our androids same way rest of the world does, there would be no need for this thread. ;-D

That said, there is nothing preventing people from asking questions about vanilla ROMS.

Speaking of vanilla, there is talk that GOogle is going to launch Ice cream too.
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Old 12th September 2011, 00:45   #5801
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Re: Problem with Galaxy S2

Originally Posted by nilanjanray View Post
I bought a SGS2 recently, and it has giving me lots of problems. First, it refused to start till I charged it for 8+ hours. And then it keeps on freezing (after half a day of normal use) and now refuses to start. I am switching from Nokia E72, and wondering whether I made the right choice - all these fancy features might not be worth it if the phone is unstable, and can't do the basic stuff.

Anyway, I bought it through Flipkart, and have requested them to replace my phone with a new piece. I hope that my problems are due to a one-off lemon, and not reflective of SGS2 bugs in general.

Was reading through some of the posts: seems everyone is an Android guru - this thread contains more flashing than in a world exhibitionist meet. Can't someone just use the phone as it is without rooting/upgrading/ whatever? Any issue with the basic Android 2.3 OS that the phone comes with?

Question: should a new android phone be charged the first time for 8 hours or till it says 100% charged? Also, while charging, should I keep the phone switched off, or can I play around with it while it is being charged? Any significant difference in subsequent battery efficiency if I use the phone when it is getting charged?
My SGS2 is a stable phone. No problems whatsoever.

Reset your phone to factory settings. Refrain from installing any apps at all for a day. And see if the phone still crashes.

If it does, its a hardware issue, best to get it changed.

What you must understand is that your old phone the E72 had a crazy good battery backup. No touchscreen phone can even come close. Get used to charging every night. No other option.
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Old 12th September 2011, 00:54   #5802
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by phamilyman View Post
- There is a lag. Quite significant really. Its decent when it gets onto playing games though.
- You need a weather widget from the market. Stock runs off and searches in chinese - so FAIL
- The torch application is hidden somewhere. I can neither run it nor uninstall it properly with Titanium backup.
- Some dialer screens show a bit of chinese
- Some random screwup with the address book - so it uses the SIM entries (without asking u) and every one will have double phone entries & u need to select. Then, in incoming calls, no caller ID is displayed.
Those are more than enough reasons to avoid MS2Ginger. I was thinking CM7 was little un-stable.
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Old 12th September 2011, 05:41   #5803
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Re: Problem with Galaxy S2

Originally Posted by nilanjanray View Post
And then it keeps on freezing (after half a day of normal use) and now refuses to start.

Anyway, I bought it through Flipkart, and have requested them to replace my phone with a new piece. I hope that my problems are due to a one-off lemon, and not reflective of SGS2 bugs in general.

Can't someone just use the phone as it is without rooting/upgrading/ whatever? Any issue with the basic Android 2.3 OS that the phone comes with?

Question: should a new android phone be charged the first time for 8 hours or till it says 100% charged?
I don't think there is a need to root the ROM you can keep using the phone as it came in stock. I have Galaxy S1 and i am using is as i bought (Except for installing apps). Also i did not charge the phone at all when i bought it started using right out of the box as we were in a mall and 2 hours later when we were at home i decided to put it for charging.

And i don't follow any algorithm (charge only when its dead kind off) as don't want to end up in a situation where battery is dying and i cant charge for whatever reason, and it has served me well for last 6 months. Like for example now @ 5AM in morning my phone is on charge (even when its battery is half charged) as i know i will not have any opportunity to charge it again until 2 in the afternoon after 8AM so cant risk it going dead in between those six hours.

On S2 there have been a few reported incidents that they refuse to start, my brother had exactly the same experience, so yes getting it replaced is a good idea. Otherwise i haven't seen many S2 dying, couple of my colleagues have bought S2's and they are working fine for last few months.

Last edited by mayankjha1806 : 12th September 2011 at 05:45.
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Old 12th September 2011, 09:07   #5804
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Thanks folks. My comments were made tongue in cheek.

Let's see what happens with the replacement piece.

My initial impression of the the SGS2 is that it rather big (to use e.g. type using one hand) and more fragile. I can't rough use it the way I used my E 72. Maybe I will get used to it...
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Old 12th September 2011, 09:51   #5805
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

My Defy has got one significant problem - the camera application sometimes does not show up if the phone gets locked while the camera is on.
1. if I am ready to take a picture, I launch the camera application.
2. The camera is ON and ready to take a picture.
3. Now, the subject is not ready due to some reason (say someone comes in the background etc.)
4. The phone gets locked and the screen switches off
5. Now, I press the power button and the screen comes back (and it is locked)
6. I swipe across to unlock
7. Now in most cases the screen does not get unlocked. It just goes blank and the buttons at the bottom of the screen (Menu, Search, et. al.) continue glowing.
Very rarely does the camera come back in the active mode.
8. I need to wait for 5-10 minutes and try again, and I can access my camera. Till that time, the phone is unusable for me.
I am running on stock 2.2.2 (and just have a couple of applications (Maps).
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