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Old 30th August 2011, 05:29   #5671
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by joe1980 View Post
I guess this question might have been asked a couple times. I'm looking for an Android app that would restrict outgoing calls. I do not care about restricting incoming calls.
Well kids are kids and one of the sure shot ways is to educate them. What my wife did was lock the phone with some password and when my daughter gets her hand on it she cannot open it, this was in response to we teaching her as to how responsibly use the phone (like which buttons are calling and shouldn't be used)

Now we give her the phone and knows the passwords, unlocks it plays with the games (if there are any), or watches videos and then returns it. Does call if she really wants to call someone (Like her mama, or me). Off course she is now close to 5 years hence this helped, now sure how old your daughter is.
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Old 30th August 2011, 07:11   #5672
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by traveloholic View Post
Yes, because the last time I connect my phone to LG Phone Suite and clicked on udpate. It displayed that An update is available and showed the version as Android 2.3
Thanks for that!

Will try and update the phone this week and let you know of the status..
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Old 30th August 2011, 08:11   #5673
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods


I am on the Ragemod V2. The battery life is a little decreased compared to the Litening V5 with Ninph.

Going to check after few discharge and recharge. Have already calibrated the battery today morning.

The operations are overall smooth for sure. Ninph 2.1.3 was also draining a lot of battery compared to the old combination.

I have stopped the odin method for flashing the Kernal. Using CWM directly to flash the kernal with the Zimage. Saves the need to go into download or recovery mode.
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Old 30th August 2011, 09:47   #5674
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post

I am on the Ragemod V2. The battery life is a little decreased compared to the Litening V5 with Ninph.

Going to check after few discharge and recharge. Have already calibrated the battery today morning.

The operations are overall smooth for sure. Ninph 2.1.3 was also draining a lot of battery compared to the old combination.

I have stopped the odin method for flashing the Kernal. Using CWM directly to flash the kernal with the Zimage. Saves the need to go into download or recovery mode.
Did you follow the calibration cycle 100% - 0 -100% ? Ragemod V2 can be UV. Please correct the voltage setting. Ragemod gave better result for me with same UV setting that was used on Ninphetamine, infact it gave slight better result than the speedmod T27 in the test. After you done with discharge and recharge cycle of battery give it another full charge and you'l see better performance. Currently testing Speedmod T28
CWM or using Odin either ways is fine.

Last edited by Invinsible : 30th August 2011 at 09:49.
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Old 30th August 2011, 11:44   #5675
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Ragemod V2 can be UV
Can you share the UV details. And are you using set cpu for setting the voltages?
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Old 30th August 2011, 13:27   #5676
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
Can you share the UV details. And are you using set cpu for setting the voltages?
Yes using Setcpu for UV. Parameters are 1200mhz - 1175mv | 1000mhz - 1100mv | 800mhz - 975mv | 500mhz - 875mv | 200mhz - 850 mv |

Anything lower than this can issue at times on boot up, screen on, hang the phone and such.
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Old 30th August 2011, 15:06   #5677
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Originally Posted by mayankjha1806
Have a question, can two Android phones be configured to one google account. Or the other way around can one phone be configured to two google accounts.
Yes. I've configured my Google account on multiple phones and have accessed my account simultaneously, to download applications on the phones used by my family members.

But once you configure you email id on a device, the only way to remove the account details from the phone is by resetting the phone to factory settings.

Hope this helps.

PS : All my family members use LG.
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Old 30th August 2011, 15:11   #5678
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Hi All,

I currently have nokia 5800 and planing to go for a android one.Please suggest me a good phone as i am out of touch of the mobile industry.

My main requirements are good battery life,easy to use interface,easy sms'ing & most important is browsing speed.

As far as the budget goes it is flexible if the product quality is BEST. Anyways my budget in mind is 8 to 20k..i think samsung galaxy s is around 10k but i dont know the feedback on the mobile.

And after using nokia i dont feel like changing to other mobiles brands mainly because of the availability of charger in anyplace.But this time i have to change due to android,when is nokia likely to come up with android mobiles??
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Old 30th August 2011, 15:25   #5679
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by joshguy View Post
But this time i have to change due to android,when is nokia likely to come up with android mobiles??
Just to answer your question on Nokia. Highly unlikely that they will come up with Android phones.

Nokia is moving towards MS Windows as the OS of choice for their devices. They have even sacrificed their Symbian and MeeGo OS (both to be discontinued over couple of years) for MS Windows and are working closely with MS to develop handsets specifically suited/designed to Windows.
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Old 30th August 2011, 15:34   #5680
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by joe1980 View Post
I guess this question might have been asked a couple times. I'm looking for an Android app that would restrict outgoing calls. I do not care about restricting incoming calls. The reason is, wifey is going to use the mobile and my daughter has her hands on often times. I do not want her dial any number accidentally and even worse when it goes unnoticed, it shows up heavily on my monthly bill. I had once experienced it. Since then punished my Wife by not giving her any mobile phone. But now its time to get her one. Well, I could develop an App for myself, but I do not have the time for it. I know this is a good place to get answered. So guys, give me your suggestions. Be it a free app or a paid one, I desperately need one.
Did you try FDM(fixed dialling mode) in your phone? It can restrict call to only some specific numbers you define or may be change to flight mode . I know you will be not reachable for some time. I would be a bit scared to put an app to restrict calls as the app will need almost full access to my phone, which can be misused by the wrong guys. (yes, I am a bit paranoid about security).
There is this app too for android They give you free full activation if you give them a five star rating

Last edited by 999 : 30th August 2011 at 15:41.
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Old 30th August 2011, 15:53   #5681
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by joshguy View Post
I currently have nokia 5800 and planing to go for a android one.Please suggest me a good phone as i am out of touch of the mobile industry.
Hi!! Welcome onboard!!!

My main requirements are good battery life,easy to use interface,easy sms'ing & most important is browsing speed.
Speed is decided by your location, provider and location.

As far as the budget goes it is flexible if the product quality is BEST. Anyways my budget in mind is 8 to 20k..i think samsung galaxy s is around 10k but i dont know the feedback on the mobile.
That is liking for advice on a car and specifying that you have a budget for everything from Nano (base) to RR.

And after using nokia i dont feel like changing to other mobiles brands mainly because of the availability of charger in anyplace.But this time i have to change due to android
May I suggest some criteria?

Look at the various phone specifications (the full ones) from the manufacturer's website.

Create a spreadsheet with the following rows:-

- Screen size, (eg:- 3.6in x 4 in)
- screen resolution, (eg;- 320x640)
- type of screen (AMOLED , resistive / capacitive bla bla...).
- battery capacity (in mAH)
- GPS (my 8.2K GT5570 has it)
- Availability of modded ROMs in xda-forums (link) - more on this below
- FM radio
- flash
- camera resolution
- Price

Decide whether you want qwerty or touch screen.
Ignore claimed talk / standby time.

On the xdaforum list I gave above, if the device is not listed in the link I mentioned, go to the search drop down link, and select "Or use in built forum search" option to search for the device's model number in thread titles. Short list only devices for which modded ROMs are available. Most modded ROMs give better battery life. This does seem daunting now. I too felt the same way till 4/5 days after I got the phone. Spending time on xda forum for the device you have short listed is an investment you will never regret.

In my case, with original stock ROM, 2.2.1 Froyo, my battery lasted less than 36 hours. With 2.3.3 Gingerbread stock room, with modifications to slow down the processor, (requires root access) I am getting 48 hours+ battery life - full charge on Monday, next charge on Wednesday early morning. (I measure battery life in 100% charge to less than 10%).

,when is nokia likely to come up with android mobiles??
When sun sets in the North. With a ex-Microsoft guy who dumped Nokia's own, far superior Symbian in favour of Windows Mobile at Nokia's helm, that will be pretty soon.

joe1980 - please search for "firewall" in the android market place - there are quire a few apps. One is listed at INR 230. Not all restrict calls - most restrict data only. Check out for yourselves. Most apps require the phone to be rooted though.

Last edited by BaCkSeAtDrIVeR : 30th August 2011 at 16:00.
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Old 30th August 2011, 17:11   #5682
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

My Defy showed a very high amount of data usage with a jump of about 4 to 5 GB over two or three days.

However, in the 'show usage by activity' it shows 90% of it for 'Gallery'. Now what would it be doing by using Gallery for data usage? I have disabled everything in Data Delivery and it still shows 57 MB of usage for today. All I have done is to use Gallery.

Can anyone please help explain this?
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Old 30th August 2011, 17:15   #5683
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by srishiva View Post
My Defy showed a very high amount of data usage with a jump of about 4 to 5 GB over two or three days.

However, in the 'show usage by activity' it shows 90% of it for 'Gallery'. Now what would it be doing by using Gallery for data usage? I have disabled everything in Data Delivery and it still shows 57 MB of usage for today. All I have done is to use Gallery.

Can anyone please help explain this?
Do you have a huge stash of pictures in picasa, my SGS2 tried to sync my picasa gallery to my phone in my initial days.
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Old 30th August 2011, 17:18   #5684
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by 999 View Post
Do you have a huge stash of pictures in picasa, my SGS2 tried to sync my picasa gallery to my phone in my initial days.
No, I dont use Picasa. I am not signed in to any of google services either.
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Old 30th August 2011, 18:09   #5685
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by 999 View Post
Do you have a huge stash of pictures in picasa, my SGS2 tried to sync my picasa gallery to my phone in my initial days.
Originally Posted by srishiva View Post
No, I dont use Picasa. I am not signed in to any of google services either.
is you defy 2.1 or 2.2? it may be updating to 2.2!!!
also try this
"you can turn your network carrier's data plan off, whenever you are not using it. In order to do it, go to 'Menu > Settings > Data manager > Data delivery', and uncheck any or all of these checkboxes: 'All mobile data', 'Background data' and 'Data roaming'. Then, press the back button 3 times, to return to the home screen you were in, prior to start changing settings." --> courtesy internet

Last edited by 999 : 30th August 2011 at 18:13.
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