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Old 16th September 2011, 14:22   #5851
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Whatever you buy is added to your "google account". So if you have bought it once, you do not need to buy it again.
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Old 16th September 2011, 15:01   #5852
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by naveenvenkatesh View Post
Looks what happened to my S2

Attachment 610278

Attachment 610279

I have put it on Size zero diet. Have been able to extract a lot of juice out of it. Will see till when does the battery last.

I have disabled back ground data usage. I have installed juice defender also. Using 3G and Wifi occasionally. Some angry birds, some emails, some smses and some calls. My Phone is stock. NO Rooting yet

I was getting about 17 hours earlier with very heavy usage and account sync all the time. I will have a look for a balance now between these 2 extremes.

On another note, i need some information regarding some application i want to download from Android market. Its a paid application. If after installing the app, i root the device and install a new ROM, will i have the app again? Or if i uninstall the app from the device and if i want to the app again, do i need to pay for it again? How does it work? Also, how is the billing handled? Does it get added to my mobile bill?
That is very intersting stats. I am only able to extract 14-16 hours from a single charge. Is your screen brightness in auto mode or off? How about the privacy stuff, it is using some permissions which it dosen't need. Like reading MMS, phonae state, creating network socket etc.?
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Old 16th September 2011, 15:04   #5853
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Screen brightness is set to Auto. All permissions are off.
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Old 16th September 2011, 16:45   #5854
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

That is very intersting stats. I am only able to extract 14-16 hours from a single charge
I guess 14-16 in stock is a great number with total usage.

I have 2 gmails, gtalk, office mails(i atleast get 200 mails a day give or take), GRPS 24/7, and occassional games, songs and videos in a day. I start at 100% from home and end up at 35% at home.

In case of GPRS switched off completely i get atleast 2 days and some life till 10AM the third day.

Thanks to Litening 6.1 and Ragemod kernel is what i feel. The standard samsung battery is what gives me such a run. The 1800MAH additional battery i have gives nothing more than 8hrs.
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Old 16th September 2011, 17:40   #5855
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by naveenvenkatesh View Post
Looks what happened to my S2

I have put it on Size zero diet. Have been able to extract a lot of juice out of it. Will see till when does the battery last.

I have disabled back ground data usage. I have installed juice defender also. Using 3G and Wifi occasionally. Some angry birds, some emails, some smses and some calls. My Phone is stock. NO Rooting yet

I was getting about 17 hours earlier with very heavy usage and account sync all the time. I will have a look for a balance now between these 2 extremes.
That is amazing performance. Can you share more details on your settings e.g. whether your display is at minimum etc.

Also, what settings are you using for Juice Defender? After looking at your results I am tempted to install it.

Is this kind of performance the norm if the phone is rooted and one uses JD? I am not comfortable rooting, but will consider if there are significant performance improvements.

Last edited by nilanjanray : 16th September 2011 at 17:45.
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Old 16th September 2011, 17:47   #5856
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by nilanjanray View Post
That is amazing performance. Can you share more details on your settings e.g. whether your display is at minimum etc.

Also, what settings are you using for Juice Defender? After looking at your results I am tempted to install it.
Display is set to auto. I have not made any changes for settings. I have enabled Power Saving mode. But that kicks in only when then power drops to less than 10%.

Juice defender is set to normal. I tried aggressive also but didn't notice anything different.

What i did was i left the phone to completely drain out the battery and then charged it to 85%. So 85% change gave me almost 5 days of usage. Mind you, my usage was not very excessive. Only occasional download, some browsing in 3G and wifi, some angry birds etc.

Play around with the settings. Disable all the things which are non-essential. You should be able to get good battery life out of the phone.
BTW, have you rooted your phone?

I am not sure if there will be any performance improvements if you JUST Root your phone. Battery performance changes with different ROMs but i am not sure if Rooting will increase. BTW, my phone is stock. NO rooting yet! I cannot say if this is entirely because of JD either. I will have to disable JD and check. Will do that and let you know

Last edited by naveenvenkatesh : 16th September 2011 at 18:03.
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Old 16th September 2011, 23:09   #5857
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Just upgraded to CM7 latest nightly and I am getting a quadrant score above 1500 in my humble desire for the first time. Don't know if it is the upgrade or the buggy quadrant which is responsible.
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Old 17th September 2011, 12:49   #5858
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Good batt life for the p500
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Old 18th September 2011, 09:35   #5859
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Here is an announcement for a new app. Hope most of you guys will be interested.

Those pesky telecallers and SMS been bothering you, even though you have registered your number in the National Do Not Call Registry (NDNC)? Now there's an easy way to get back at them with your Android phone!

Introducing DNCViolation, an "Android application to select received calls and SMS texts and report them as NDNC (National Do Not Call registry) violations. Made for India but may be extensible to other regions."

Download DNCViolation from

The application currently:

- Displays a list of calls and SMSes received in the past 3 days.
[3 days is the max time you can wait before reporting a violation]

- Allows you to view the details of any SMS.

- Lets you to select one or more calls and SMSes as violations.

- Lets you report the selected violations as messages to 1909.

- Doesn't delete messages even though there's a button

There's a lot of work to be done. In rough order of priority:

- Test on multiple providers.

- Enable delete functionality.

- Fix user interface.

- Track reporting SMS status.

- Log reports, mark already-reported calls/SMSes.

- Clean up code.

OK, I admit I learnt Android (and to some extent, Java) while coding this app, so the code is fugly -- mostly because of lack of familiarity with the paradigms. Also, user interfaces aren't my strong point, so don't complain about the ghastly UI. However, it's in the best traditions of FOSS -- scratch your own itch, and GPL the result. If you don't like it... improve it!

Feedback, patches and offers of free fresh-lime sodas (sweet+salted) welcome.


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Old 18th September 2011, 12:49   #5860
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I need a car mount for my Galaxy S phone to use it as a GPS receiver. I tried many accessories shop and none of the models suited the phone and covered almost half of display which defeats the purpose of having it.

Can anyone guide me where to get a suitable car mount for my phone.
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Old 18th September 2011, 13:00   #5861
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by sagarpadaki View Post
I need a car mount for my Galaxy S phone to use it as a GPS receiver. I tried many accessories shop and none of the models suited the phone and covered almost half of display which defeats the purpose of having it.

Can anyone guide me where to get a suitable car mount for my phone.
Try the usual suspects - Ebay, Fommy, Amzer, Flipkart, Letsbuy
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Old 18th September 2011, 13:41   #5862
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Originally Posted by nishantgandhi

Try the usual suspects - Ebay, Fommy, Amzer, Flipkart, Letsbuy
Tried them . But could not get anything specific for galaxy s. If you can post the link it would be really helpful.
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Old 18th September 2011, 18:48   #5863
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

I am convinced. The CM7 RC1.5 has a serious signal reception issue. I have used CM7 from beta6, RC0, RC1 and now RC1.5 on my Defy. Never had reception problem before. However, after installing RC1.5 I have noticed losing reception while entering large buildings. It is also less stable than earlier versions. For example, couple of times I couldn't accept the call eventhough I swiped repeatedly. Or couldn't stop the alarm by pressing the button.

But the reception problem came to a stark notice today. Today I traveled out of Bangalore for the first time after installing RC1.5 ROM. Usually I have Airtel reception 90% of this 400km drive. However, today I didn't have reception 90% of the time. I got reception only in major cities where signal is strong. Thankfully I have reception in Manipal, but I couldn't get signal at my parent's village while my mom could on her airtel connection.

I want to move back to RC0. But couple of questions here. Should I start from Froyo again or can I just update the RC0 zip file? Do I need to use the matching google apps (, or latest will do?

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Old 18th September 2011, 19:24   #5864
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Samurai View Post
I want to move back to RC0. But couple of questions here. Should I start from Froyo again or can I just update the RC0 zip file? Do I need to use the matching google apps (, or latest will do?
Infact my worries of rooting the phone is the above - Due to extensive travel, signal strength battery life and connectivity are very important and if i screw up the day is lost!

I still do not have the courage to root my android
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Old 18th September 2011, 19:38   #5865
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This is a long shot, but still worth a shout out.

Although I was pretty happy with First UA ROM, I encountered a major glitch - the homescreen icons would not re-appear after a restart! I tried to uninstall the app (which was restored via Titanium) and did a fresh install off the market, but this issue continue.

In the meantime, I discovered that official India GB 2.3.4 ROM has been released. Now here comes the funny situation, On, there are two ROMs listed of the same date - XKPB and DDKQ5.

I believe the second one is India official, as Samsung assigns DD coding to India. This is a 'one package file' for ODIN purpose. However, I think the file is corrupt because my phone refused to re-start, even though the update went fine. The boot screen is stuck on Samsung text.

I flashed the second rom then (XKPB) and a new problem has re-surfaced. The screen starts getting dimmer as time passes. So assume I began with a brightness of 100% when I start playing Angry Birds. In every few seconds, 10% brightness keeps reducing and lets say in about a minute, the screen becomes pitch dark!

This is damn weird and I have never encountered such an issue. Any Ace users on official India GB ROM? I need the ROM version please!
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