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Old 29th September 2011, 12:11   #5956
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Got the OTA update 2.3.6 - Bulid Number GRK39F for my Nexus S i9020T today morning. Everything is working fine including Tethering, wifi, GPRS.

Will have to check whether the Wifi - GPRS automatic selection problem is solved or not.
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Old 29th September 2011, 12:56   #5957
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by rohan_iitr View Post
Also check out Xperia Neo, it has a bigger display. Neo Pro is another model which comes with physical QWERTY keypad.

Neo looks like a good option. Pro would be very bulky.

So which would you suggest from Galazy SI9003, HTC Desire S & Xperia Neo?

Originally Posted by bhp_maniac View Post
Android gurus, please help. I am in market for an android and had almost zeroed in on the Xperia Neo.
Hey which phone did you finally pickup as am also in the same price market?
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Old 29th September 2011, 12:57   #5958
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

@Zenster, @invisible

Batista 2.0 Foxhound on 2.3.5 is out. I have just loaded it today. Looks smooth and easy so far. I am sure after battery calibration the phone will stick like old Version 1.0.

The screens have become highly refined and the icons are looking slick. I like smaller fonts and Batista offers the same.

Currently have the following in SD card to install in case i feel i want a change..

- Villan rom
- Batista
- Extreme
- Miui
- Litening
- A bunch of kernels to keep changing and trying different set up.

Anyway have the jig just in case
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Old 29th September 2011, 13:27   #5959
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by GearOn View Post
Hey which phone did you finally pickup as am also in the same price market?
I didn't pick any I am using 3G video calling extensively and neither of the models which I was looking for supports native 3G calling. So postponed the idea of gifting myself with an android. May be for the first time, I went to a shop to buy some gadget and came back without having a pack in my hand and a smile on my face
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Old 29th September 2011, 15:57   #5960
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
@Zenster, @invisible

Batista 2.0 Foxhound on 2.3.5 is out. I have just loaded it today. Looks smooth and easy so far. I am sure after battery calibration the phone will stick like old Version 1.0.

The screens have become highly refined and the icons are looking slick. I like smaller fonts and Batista offers the same.

Currently have the following in SD card to install in case i feel i want a change..

- Villan rom
- Batista
- Extreme
- Miui
- Litening
- A bunch of kernels to keep changing and trying different set up.

Anyway have the jig just in case
Batista is a good rom shifted from Check DK,find Batista faster and battery life is better.Right now using Batiata70 Foxhoud 2.0 modded by zoule HCo where Italian is replaced by english(TW launcher) and a few other mods.

Last edited by yogi1771 : 29th September 2011 at 16:07.
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Old 29th September 2011, 17:30   #5961
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post
@Zenster, @invisible

Batista 2.0 Foxhound on 2.3.5 is out. I have just loaded it today. Looks smooth and easy so far. I am sure after battery calibration the phone will stick like old Version 1.0.

The screens have become highly refined and the icons are looking slick. I like smaller fonts and Batista offers the same.

Currently have the following in SD card to install in case i feel i want a change..

- Villan rom
- Batista
- Extreme
- Miui
- Litening
- A bunch of kernels to keep changing and trying different set up.

Anyway have the jig just in case
I did mention it here Y'day or so, I suppose the post got overlooked

2.3.5 major plus is the much better battery usage. Looks like to you have Rom as per your mood. However Let me mention this changing rom requires battery calibration 100-0-100.
I have been on MIUI, CM7, Litening, CriskeloRom, Sensation ROM, Villian and now on Revolution since last almost a month now.
Upgraded to Revolution 2.7.1 2.3.5 AOS from 2.6v and both battery and performance has improved by almost 20-25% over KH3 AOS.
Personally I like sensation Rom for its looks, Litening for the shear performance. Revolution is more or less the same as Batista however has better support from the Dev and kitchen app, it's a combination of both looks and performance.

Currently testing Revolution Rom with various kernal with complete white screen, screen on with the help of flashlight app running screen Light as torch. After which will check on the how it performance just on standby with display 100 % on and black background on home screen with full brightness. I am waiting to see how much better this 2.3.5 is compared to Litening 6.1 which was KH3 (2.3.4)

Wanted to check if you have an extra Jig ? though I don't think I will need it any sooner unless plan to upgrade with S3 in future.

Last edited by Invinsible : 29th September 2011 at 17:36.
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Old 29th September 2011, 17:34   #5962
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

oh, so finally people are flashinf 2.3.5

Tell me, going up from 2.3.3, do you also have to flash the baseband?
I tried a 2.3.5, but the phone locked up on me, so went back to the 2.3.3 i was using.
when i shifted from 2.1 to 2.3, i had to flash the bb, hence i am asking.
This is for a sony, but do let me know even if its for the samsung or motorola instruments.
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Old 29th September 2011, 18:05   #5963
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Check XDA forums where they have given specific instructions for each phone. Like i9000 has its own way of rooting while SGS2 has its own way.

Revolution is more or less the same as Batista however has better support from the Dev and kitchen app, it's a combination of both looks and performance.
Gives me another reason to download revolution rom and try it out today. WIll let you know how it feels

I went by looks only. I like the smaller fonts in Batista. Was not majorly worried about performance as i never faced a time when the fone was slow
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Old 29th September 2011, 19:02   #5964
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by VW2010 View Post

I went by looks only. I like the smaller fonts in Batista. Was not majorly worried about performance as i never faced a time when the fone was slow
You get 80 + font package on the Kitchen app from revolution to choose from
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Old 30th September 2011, 09:44   #5965
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by GearOn View Post
Neo looks like a good option. Pro would be very bulky.

So which would you suggest from Galazy SI9003, HTC Desire S & Xperia Neo?
I am a hardcore Sony Ericsson fanboy, I would pick the Neo without second thought. SE would have the best quality sound and camera because of Sony's years of heritage in music and photography. Also call clarity, signal strength and battery backup are very good. Even though Neo has a large display, the phone is still very compact and pocketable.

But I would suggest you to try out the 3 models and take your pick based on your preferences.

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Old 30th September 2011, 10:01   #5966
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by Invinsible View Post
You get 80 + font package on the Kitchen app from revolution to choose from
@Invisible & @ VW2010: Thanks for the information on new ROMs guys.

After weighing your comments, I have installed LeoMar75's Revolution 2.7.1 based on KI3 (2.3.5). I chose this over the Batista ROM, since it was the No-Wipe version. Now I see Baseband version: I9100XXKI3, Kernel Version: #2, Build Number: LeoMar75 ROM Revolution 2.7.1 - XXKI3.

Surely, its too early to gauge battery performance, I will do the Battery Re-Calib and then see how is the performance.

@Invisible: After installing the ROM, are the above Version's the same in your phone? I ask because I dont see the Revolution Kitchen App, I dont see the Kernel Version that he has mentioned in the release notes (CF-Root-SGS2_XX_OXA_KI3-v4.1), nor do I see any Revolution Wallpaper Chooser.

I dont know if I have installed the right version. I downloaded the CORE version mentioned in his first post for 2.7.1. Before install I did clear the Cache Partition and Dalvik Cache from CMW Recovery.

Do i use the Kitchen Pro APK that he has put in his second post, or do i download from the Market or shud it be there built into the ROM.

Another change I noticed (from the Lite'ning V5.0 based on 2.3.4), I always had the Vibrate Setting to "Always" but never had any Icons on the Top Bar (Notification bar) indicating the same (Please see Screenshot below). Is this something new in the 2.3.5 version? This is present when the phone is not in Silent or Vibrate mode, volume is turned On.

And the last thing I wanted to check is that after the install the screenshot shortcut of HOME+LOCK button is not working anymore :( . So i installed ShootME ScreenGrabber.

Any thoughts on the above comments will be very helpful.

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Old 30th September 2011, 10:09   #5967
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by rohan_iitr View Post
I am a hardcore Sony Ericsson fanboy, I would pick the Neo without second thought. SE would have the best quality sound and camera because of Sony's years of heritage in music and photography. Also call clarity, signal strength and battery backup are very good. Even though Neo has a large display, the phone is still very compact and pocketable.

But I would suggest you to try out the 3 models and take your pick based on your preferences.


same here, bro.
every phone i have ever had , long term, has been an SE.

Howver, to the OP, do take a long hard look at battery for the Neo.
if its the 1500mAh one, it tends to fade fast on a stock sony.
Ive used it on an x1, and an x10.
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Old 30th September 2011, 10:57   #5968
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Leomar is still waiting for the Jkay mod V11 to be released which I suppose it has, after this he would develop the patch for the themes, however he has released the Revolution V4 theme.
In regards to the vibrate icon, have not faced this issue yet both on 2.7 and 2.7.1. Have exactly the same details mentioned by you on the Rom build.
It is generally suggested to do a full wipe through CWM when coming from another rom/ build. I did exactly the same when I first went from Litening to Revolution 2.6. Since 2.7.1 is a new 2.3.5 build I suggest you do full wipe and install the rom. For the apps I use titanium back up and restore them again once install the new rom. You'l see better improvement in battery and least FC.

For downloading apps and other mods from Kitchen app you can download the kitchen app pro from Leomar thread and if you want donate than choose to buy from the market
For me screen shots works fine. As I mentioned being a new build and coming to different ROM better to have full wipe done, this should solve all the minor issues.

Revolution Rom 2.7.1 working super smooth here. Have tested various kernal including the CF-Root KI3 (stock), Ragemod 1.1b, Ninphetamine 2.1.3, Siyah 1.7.7 all with white background with display on all time. Currently testing Speedmod kernal. Will also do some battery test with display On on home screen with black background.
So far the best kernal I found are the CF- Root KI3 and Siyah kernal which is much smoother and puts better battery juice.

Also like to add flash the CSC KF3 file once your done loading the rom through odin, I observed this improved my network and data connection. Usually flashing the modem file helps but for some strange reason flashing just the CSC file helped to some extent.

Last edited by Invinsible : 30th September 2011 at 11:16.
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Old 30th September 2011, 11:29   #5969
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Found the Revolution wallpapers you can download the app from the link - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
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Old 30th September 2011, 12:37   #5970
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MIUI - Initial impressions

After few months of CM7 usage, I got bored and flashed MIUI 1.9.23 based on 2.3.5 Gingerbread.

Here are few screenshots.
Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-screenshot_1.png

I love the UI, as smooth and snappy as CM7.1, you get all white backgrounds for menus and settings. This means phones with AMOLED screens will face a quicker battery drain while display is ON.

I still have the kernel from CM7.1, so I need to find the best kernel for MIUI and flash that. Radio is the latest for Desire. No irritating issues or bugs found in the OS so far.

MIUI has some of the things built in, which you will be installing separately in other ROMS, like a snappy dialer with T9 contact search, A2SD+ etc. I am going to stick with this ROM for a while. A2SD+ is a boon, lots of apps can be installed without the low internal memory barrier - I have a 512MB ext3 partition in SD card for apps.

Last edited by clevermax : 30th September 2011 at 12:40.
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