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Old 15th September 2011, 14:03   #5836
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by driving_smartly View Post
One of my office colleague has a budget of 20k Max.
He wants a good android phone within his budget and willing to wait for 2 -3 months.
Are there any new upcoming launches ?
I had suggested him Galaxy S and Google Nexus as his priority is Samsung only and no phones from Nokia, HTC, Motorola or Blackberry either.
He will be upgrading from Nokia N70.
Also his cousin is flying from US in the month of December does it make sense importing any cell from US considering the warranty factor.
If yes, which one would you suggest ?
Originally Posted by pranxter View Post
Been using Samsung Galaxy S since last year and must say its been an awesome phone. But I guess its old now, Nexus S too is a good choice but none of the online stores in India are selling it now and listing it as discontinued (my brother wanted to buy one recently) instead he is now closing on LG Optimus Black which is within 20k.

Rumors are that Google/Samsung is going to launch Nexus Prime in a month or two and if its indeed true, then the prices of Galaxy S2 is sure going to drop and since your friend can wait for 3-4 months S2 would be a good buy.

I was in the same state for a long time until last week when i decided to buy the samsung i9003 Galaxy SL. The phone is really nice. I paid 17500 for the same. I too wanted to get my hands on the Nexus S but since it wasnt available any where i went ahead with this one.

I also considered the LG Optimus Black but lot of online reviews on other sites suggested that it has some network issues and hence decided to stay away.

Another option was Samsung i9000 Amoled. But it was sold for INR 22k in local stores which was out of my budget.

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Old 15th September 2011, 15:17   #5837
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

update: LG p500 is now running on cm7. excellent will suggest to all.

sis bought an i9000, was hard to find. finally picked up for 17500 with exchange for an E63 about 2 years old.
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Old 15th September 2011, 15:22   #5838
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by govigov View Post
update: LG p500 is now running on cm7. excellent will suggest to all.

sis bought an i9000, was hard to find. finally picked up for 17500 with exchange for an E63 about 2 years old.
Since I also own this phone, can you tell me what steps you did to get to CM7
Is there any loss of functionality whatsoever, with CM7 over the stock 2.2?
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Old 15th September 2011, 15:55   #5839
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods


I followed the steps in this link - Guide to Install Android 2.3 Gingerbread (CM7) on LG Optimus One P500

i am running mik-os's 6.5.5 - cyanogen_thunderg-ota-eng.mik-6.5.5
xda thread here - [UNOFFICIAL][ROM][stable:6.5.7,testing:6.6.1] CyanogenMod 7.1-RC1 (Android 2.3.5) - xda-developers

you may also need to have gapps package to get you back on google. - gapps-gb-20110429-signed download link in first post of the xda thread.

it was the first link that really helped me though.
PS: i did not do that partition thingy where you extend the sd card a primary memory as i did not fully understand that part of it.

No loss of any functionality. you may need moboplayer to get videos working. built in overclock is there so phone has excellent batt life.
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Old 15th September 2011, 18:34   #5840
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Guys i have a major problem with my Samsung Galaxy S 2.

Now the phone is bone stock. No rooting etc etc. Just a few Apps like google docs. Torch and small things. Thats it.

The following are the problems:

1. When i switch it off it restarts on its own automatically. When i remove the battery and replace it again then it again starts automatically. It just doesn't want to turn off!!

2. When i connect my normal wall charger it shows the samsung KIES software window as if its connected to the computer via usb. Also a now its become very slow in responding to the charger. I mean when i plug in the charger it takes a few seconds(10-15) to acknowledge that its starting to charge.

3. If it looses the signal for any reason like restarting or lack of signals in some places i have to manually search and connect to Airtel. Its not doing it automatically.

4. It is now NOT acknowledging any USB connection to the computer. It charges off it but there is nothing shown on the computer etc.

5. How do i backup the data of the phone to the Computer.I mean notes, messages, contacts, photos etc.

I never imagined that this thing would give me such nightmares compared to the nokia. I used to hate that phone when i got my galaxy s2. Now i feel that too much tech is making these devices unreliable.

I have searched the web for these problems. Solutions are ranging from giving the phone back to samsung, to hard resetting the phone.

Looking for some help here.

Thanks in advance guys!!
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Old 15th September 2011, 19:16   #5841
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by navpreet318 View Post
5. How do i backup the data of the phone to the Computer.I mean notes, messages, contacts, photos etc.
I think there are apps which can back up the data into memory card, just search in this thread i remember this being discussed. Once you do that try a complete factory reset.
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Old 15th September 2011, 20:00   #5842
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by navpreet318 View Post

The following are the problems:

1. When i switch it off it restarts on its own automatically. When i remove the battery and replace it again then it again starts automatically. It just doesn't want to turn off!!

2. When i connect my normal wall charger it shows the samsung KIES software window as if its connected to the computer via usb. Also a now its become very slow in responding to the charger. I mean when i plug in the charger it takes a few seconds(10-15) to acknowledge that its starting to charge.

3. If it looses the signal for any reason like restarting or lack of signals in some places i have to manually search and connect to Airtel. Its not doing it automatically.

4. It is now NOT acknowledging any USB connection to the computer. It charges off it but there is nothing shown on the computer etc.

5. How do i backup the data of the phone to the Computer.I mean notes, messages, contacts, photos etc.

Thanks in advance guys!!
For 1,2, and 4 - best candidates for you to take your phone to Samsung service center. I am presuming your mini USB port is malfunctioning.

3. is a known problem with S2 out of the box, though I havent faced this issue on my rooted KF3. does toggling airplane mode work?

5. Titanium Backup is your answer. If you can connect to the computer, Samsung KIES would work too. As far as contacts go, I hope you had it all synced to your google account.

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Old 15th September 2011, 21:02   #5843
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Thanks for the reply guys.

Sids911 i will try the titanium backup app.

toggling the airport mode does not work.I am still confused by the fact that why all of the sudden things have started happening this way. Initially this was very very smooth. And now its starting to give me some major headaches.

Let me try the computer connection. Hope it works just once so that i can backup things.

Another thing just cropped up. I just finished charging the phone completely and now the 100% charged sign on the left corner of the phone refuses to go. Very very weird.
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Old 15th September 2011, 21:08   #5844
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by BaCkSeAtDrIVeR View Post
Cant you simply pull it out and throw it away?? (Press till the phone vibrates, and then drag out?)
Originally Posted by sbkumar View Post
You can even drag the gmail icon from the app drawer and drop it over the dock bar icon you want to replace.
This is ATT Galaxy S. The dock bar stock gmail can't be removed. even if i hold it, there is no action. For the gmail that is in apps, if i hold it, there is only 2 options, move it anywhere in the 7 windows or send it to trash can. dock bar becomes invisible when i hold the gmail.

BSD: There is nothing like vibration and it can't be thrown away.
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Old 15th September 2011, 22:32   #5845
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Originally Posted by chevelle

This is ATT Galaxy S. The dock bar stock gmail can't be removed. even if i hold it, there is no action. For the gmail that is in apps, if i hold it, there is only 2 options, move it anywhere in the 7 windows or send it to trash can. dock bar becomes invisible when i hold the gmail.

BSD: There is nothing like vibration and it can't be thrown away.
If you're open,try a launcher app like go or zeam
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Old 15th September 2011, 22:54   #5846
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by mayankk View Post
If you're open,try a launcher app like go or zeam
Finally managed to do it. For those who have Galaxy S, here is how to do it.

- On home screen, select 'Applications'
- Press 'Menu' button and select 'View Type'
- Select 'Customizable Grid'
- Press Menu button again and select 'Edit'
- Remove any icons from dock and replace it with one you want. (i replaced stock gmail with gmail app)
- Voila. Its customized.

It was so simple, no need to put in any 3rd party launcher app.
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Old 16th September 2011, 11:19   #5847
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I tied to post this twice but had a power outage at the critical time.

It seems that Wintel is fast becoming Win-Intel. Microsoft is going to support the ARM platform (best for mobile apps) for Windows 8 and Intel is looking at Android. MS x86 applications are not likely to be available on ARM though.

Watch the fun unfold.
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Old 16th September 2011, 11:51   #5848
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Originally Posted by nilanjanray View Post

Let's see what happens with the replacement piece.
OK, got the SGS2 replacement yesterday. This time, there haven't been any issues. The previous phone had H/W issues right from the start.

After 16 hours of use including 8 hours of sleep/hibernation, I have 35-40% charge left. Let's see how far the battery lasts. I have turned off automatic Wifi, 3G, synch etc.

Which is the app that most folks use - the one that shows the battery usage graph?

Also, which is the best ROM for stability and efficiency?
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Old 16th September 2011, 13:19   #5849
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Some of us are using the litening rom with Ninp or Ragemod kernal and its very stable and gives atleast 2 days of battery life.

Invisible is someone here "visibly" using different Rom's. Most of the roms available in XDA have not impressed me to switch from Litening.

I saw batista rom which i am tempted to try out. But the stability of the litening rom is not really pushing me to do something with different roms.

Also got myself a usb jig. What an amazing piece of hardware. The hardware just plugs in and initiates the download mode and erases the counter as well yellow triangle(i dont ahve this issue as i eliminated in a round about way)
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Old 16th September 2011, 14:08   #5850
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Re: Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods

Looks what happened to my S2

Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-1316161766812.jpg

Android Thread: Phones / Apps / Mods-1316161792678.jpg

I have put it on Size zero diet. Have been able to extract a lot of juice out of it. Will see till when does the battery last.

I have disabled back ground data usage. I have installed juice defender also. Using 3G and Wifi occasionally. Some angry birds, some emails, some smses and some calls. My Phone is stock. NO Rooting yet

I was getting about 17 hours earlier with very heavy usage and account sync all the time. I will have a look for a balance now between these 2 extremes.

On another note, i need some information regarding some application i want to download from Android market. Its a paid application. If after installing the app, i root the device and install a new ROM, will i have the app again? Or if i uninstall the app from the device and if i want to the app again, do i need to pay for it again? How does it work? Also, how is the billing handled? Does it get added to my mobile bill?

Last edited by naveenvenkatesh : 16th September 2011 at 14:12.
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