Originally Posted by anycatd 19-20 in Bangalore traffic are pretty good numbers with AC on.
Was it a dead battery in the key? There must be an alternative or you could get stuck in the middle of nowhere with the car not starting. Scary!  |
The first time this happeneed was about a week into the proud ownership of my 1.3 Zeta Titanium beauty. Those who are familiar with Bangalore would know how good / bad the morning traffic in most part of the city on a weekday. I was on my way to office (from whitefield to E City) around 8:30 AM and was at Kundalahalli gate. My car was the first in line at the signal. This signal is almost 3 minutes duration during morning hours, and as a responsible citizen, who do not want to add more pollution into the environment, I switched off the engine. The vehicle was in the aux position (ie, without depressing the clutch, if you press the pushbutton twice - Music on and all display in the console on). I was enjoying the attention from people around as my car was among the first lot in bangalore which got deliverd just after the launch. (Got the delivery on 17th Aug).
And here it go. The signal turned Green. With all the enthusiasm available, I pressed the Clutch - Brake and pressed the pushbutton. Oh my God... the car gives a "beep beep" sound and something was flasing on the MID in bright yellow letters. "Key fob not detected". I used to keep the key in the right hand side pocket (Near the Pushbutton / parking / fog light switches). Thought some thing might be wrong and it will be ok if I try again. By this time, people behind started honking and you all know how they behave if some one who is in the starting of a junction signal did not move when the light turned Green.
With all courage gathered, tried again. Aghast. The car is simply refusing to start and the same message flashing continously. It was not my day and people started to abuse me with all kind of the bad words and their angry looks. I was successful to keep the traffic on hold till the signal turned Red again. I turned on the hazard light (I was left with no other option) and then I noticed a policeman running towards me from the opposite side. "Oh man. you have the second round of abuse". I said to myself. I was preparing myself for the onslaught from the law enforcement officer and I slowly downed the window. to my surprise, the policeman in a clam voice said. "Sir, do not panic. Do not listen to the people who are honking at you. relax and try to start again. You have another 3 minutes before the signal turns green. If this does not start, I have to call a towing truck". I felt very relaxed, as I never expected a policeman to behave in this manner to a guy who created a long traffic snarl at a busy junction. Kudos to him and Bangalore police. But the relaxation vanished into thin air in no time. The car was very adamant and it was telling me again and again that "what ever you do, I'm not going to budge and will not start". I gave up and the policeman started calling for the towing truck. I thought, to the last one time, let me try. Praising all the beloved Gods in mind, I pushed the button for one last time. Oh God.. the car started.
By this time the signal turned Green and I expressed my gratitude towards the policeman and started to move. Two people who were behind me (in cars) quickly overtook me and gave me another dose of bad words and sped away.
I was afraid to stop the vehicle to the rest of my travel and did not switch it off even once. At the office, the security checks the boot of the car before you are allowed inside to park. Generally, I do not switch off the vehicle for the security to check the boot as it is a matter of few seconds. The vehicle was in neutral with enging running and hand brake applied. I opened the boot and the security person checked and closed the boot. I took the vehicle forward, again the same message started flashing on the MID "Key fob not detected" this time the vehicle was running but the message continued to flash. I parked the car and rushed to office as I was running late for a meeting. It was a busy day and I did not have much time to think about the issue any-more.
In the evening, I started the vehicle (No issues, smooth starting) and was on my way back home. In a turning (In a very low traffic cross lane which connects Hosur Road & Parappana Agrahara Road) a bike suddenly jumped to my front side. I was in 2nd gear and may be 20-25 KM speed. Braked the car suddenly and in that process, the engine stalled and stopped. Here goes it again. The car is not starting and giving me the same error. After multiple repeated attempts, the car started and reached home. Got into some client calls and it was late so thought of calling the Relationship Manager next day.
In the morning at around 7:30, I started the car and the same problem again. I called up the RM and he immediately responded. Send a driver home to pick up the vehicle. By this time, I had tried again and the car started. Tried many times and each time car started perfectly. But I was not ready to take chances because of the bad experience at the signal previous day.
The driver came and took the car to service centre. Within half an our, I got the call from the service manager at the dealership and I explained all sequence of events in detail. He could not diagnose the problem and they tried to replicate the issue by starting the vehicle multiple times and each time the car started without any hiccup. Since my car was first among the early lots and as it is S-Cross was a new launch, they recommended to get the car inspected by Maruti Service Engineers. This process was expected to take couple of days, but I was OK because I did not want the car back into my hands without actually knowing what and where it went wrong.
The next two days, had multiple interactions with the Service guys and I explained everything in minute detail. When they connected the car with diagnostic program, it was clearly indicating the three non start events in car's logs. They reinstalled the software to make sure everything is ok with the software side. Ultimately came up with the diagnosis that a coupler in the feedback mechanism (not very clear where it resides) was loose and tightened it back. I got the vehicle back on third day and till date, it has not given any other problems. Another suggestion given to me was NOT to keep the key fob in the pocket just below the push-button. Advised me to keep the key fob always in the cup holder near the handbrake.
This post is in no way to highlight the problem with the car, rather I take it as a prompt response from the dealer and Maruti service personnel. I can agree that a new vehicle having some issues in the beginning and my car happened to be one among that. It's OK. I enjoy the car to every possible levels.
On a lighter note, even though the problem never appeared again, many a time, I'm still sceptical to switch off the engine in dense traffic signals. Once bitten twice shy.
All of you have a great day ahead.