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Old 3rd July 2023, 22:16   #8671
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by Sommos View Post
The GM-Sales at the dealership and the ASM of M&M for your area has the delivery schedule from the plant. This is sent to them on monthly basis on the last week of every month. So talk to the GM-Sales or the ASM to get a clear timeline.

You have to wait till the expected delivery dates as per the portal. If you do not hear anything from the dealer by that time, you may shoot a mail to kharga(dot)asha(at)gmail(dot)com - she is head of CRM. You may also tweet to Mr. Anand Mahindra - I have found this to be very effective.

@Sommos I eventually tweeted and that helped matters. I was assured about the escalation of the matter via DM, and today I got a call from the dealership saying the vehicle would be invoiced by 10th July. He seemed a little dodgy around when the car would be delivered. Before month end was his claim. So wanted to understand what is the usual time frame between the car being invoiced and the actual vehicle being delivered. Or this is just another trick to prolong the process? When the car gets invoiced, does it reflect in the Mahindra portal?

I have not said as much, but unless I do the PDI, I think no point in making any payment if asked to do so. What should I be doing in the next few weeks to get the vehicle delivered at the back of the escalations that have been done before the matter turns cold? I booked my vehicle in May '22
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Old 4th July 2023, 08:32   #8672
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Congratulations to Mahindra on selling One lakh XUV 700s. Congratulations to all owners who bought this SUV and continue to have faith in Mahindra and their ASC though there are problems since 2 years after the launch.

I recently completed the 3rd free service at 20,000 Kms. Though I had issues with infotainment, I have started to live with it and understood to deal with the same.

The brakes squealing which I reported earlier continued till last week. The ASC folks told me that they have cleaned all 4 brake pads and also replaced few worn out clips in the pads. I hope this fixes the issue.

Now coming to the distance logged by some other owners, The ASC folks told me that there are 700s which has run beyond 50,000 to 90,000 Kms in Chennai only. I also understood that there are minimal or no niggles in these high mileage 700s. Does city run abouts give more mechanical issues? Be it the brake pads or suspension issue.

In team bhp forum guess Abirnale's 700 is the only vehicle with more than 40,000 Kms.

Do you guys personally know about any 700 that has done above 40,000 Kms. What has been their experience with the vehicle?
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Old 4th July 2023, 08:45   #8673
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by avaneeshvyas View Post
@Sommos I eventually tweeted and that helped matters. I was assured about the escalation of the matter via DM, and today I got a call from the dealership saying the vehicle would be invoiced by 10th July. He seemed a little dodgy around when the car would be delivered. Before month end was his claim. So wanted to understand what is the usual time frame between the car being invoiced and the actual vehicle being delivered. Or this is just another trick to prolong the process? When the car gets invoiced, does it reflect in the Mahindra portal?
What the dealership states is likely to be true. When I was chasing the dealer for my car last year, I learnt, by the 10th of every month, M & M clarifies the dealer allocations. Then dealers get to inform their customers, while the shipment from the plant starts in parallel. Between invoicing and delivery, it could be a week to 10 days, depending on the vehicle transit time, PDI, registration process, etc.

Originally Posted by avaneeshvyas View Post
I have not said as much, but unless I do the PDI, I think no point in making any payment if asked to do so. What should I be doing in the next few weeks to get the vehicle delivered at the back of the escalations that have been done before the matter turns cold? I booked my vehicle in May '22
If there is pressure to confirm, you could transfer a token amount as advance. Complete the PDI and transfer the remaining amount to proceed with the registration process. This is just a matter of negotiation with the dealer. Good luck !!
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Old 4th July 2023, 10:02   #8674
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by avaneeshvyas View Post
@Sommos I eventually tweeted and that helped matters. I was assured about the escalation of the matter via DM, and today I got a call from the dealership saying the vehicle would be invoiced by 10th July. He seemed a little dodgy around when the car would be delivered. Before month end was his claim. So wanted to understand what is the usual time frame between the car being invoiced and the actual vehicle being delivered. Or this is just another trick to prolong the process? When the car gets invoiced, does it reflect in the Mahindra portal?

I have not said as much, but unless I do the PDI, I think no point in making any payment if asked to do so.
Sit tight till the promised date and tell your GM-Sales to confirm the invoicing. Calculate the distance from Pune to Bangalore and divide by 300 KM per day. Keep 3-5 days gap between Invoicing and despatch from the plant. That should give you a fair idea of the expected delivery date. At one point, Bangalore cars used to be despatched by Rail and it used to take more time - not sure how it is done presently. Request your GM-Sales to keep you posted and arrange your finances in the mean time.

Try not to pay a dime before you do the PDI, if required tell them to bring the car to the showroom for PDI - some dealers don't allow PDI in the stockyard.

Best of luck.

Originally Posted by zeus_700 View Post
Though I had issues with infotainment, I have started to live with it and understood to deal with the same.

The brakes squealing which I reported earlier continued till last week. The ASC folks told me that they have cleaned all 4 brake pads and also replaced few worn out clips in the pads. I hope this fixes the issue.
I have been told that a software update (new version) is slated for release very soon - maybe this month or the next. Hopefully most of the issues should be sorted out in the next update.

The sound from the brake pads may be due to some issues with the brake pad material itself. Try changing the brake pads if the noise remains even after rubbing the pads. Check out the following post :-

Originally Posted by A.G. View Post
Update on the Brakes

After discussions between Dealer & Mahindra, the Front brake pads were replaced as there was a doubt on the material of the Brake pads itself. Post replacement have been driving only in the city and the noise is yet to occur. Would report again after covering some more distance.
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Old 4th July 2023, 12:58   #8675
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Has anyone had problems with gears not shifting smoothly and causing excessive revs?

I possess an AX7L AT PET.

Only a few times has it happened to me. The car seemed to be in 2nd gear (I guess), and when I tried to accelerate gradually, it produced high revs that reached 3.5 to 4K instead of shifting into a higher gear.
I had to depress the pedal. Then the Revs descended, and the gear shifted immediately.

Both on a highway and in city traffic today, it happened.
Do I need to remember anything in particular when driving an automatic?

I'll try to record a video, next time.


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Old 4th July 2023, 13:54   #8676
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

I kept a wet carry bag on the rear seat(middle part without perforations) unknowingly. Its ink got imprinted on the seat. And the detailers in my city arent able to remove it. I myself am trying 3 days with various products like ShineX Pro interior and upholestry cleaner, baking soda, vinegar, etc.
It has faded quite a bit than what it was before but its still visible. And am really frustrated because I have kept my XUV spic and span and always shining for the last 18 months of onwership. Bhpians please help on what can be done
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Old 4th July 2023, 22:32   #8677
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

My first post on the platform, and am super happy to be part of this community I have been following for many years now.
Ok, coming back to the topic I just completed 10k on my XUV AX7 Diesel and my ownership experience of 6 months has been a mixed bag. While I have loved driving this beast on highways and long journeys, driving in the cities have been less than enjoyful for me.

Here are some of the things I really love about the car:
- The drive on the highways is super comfortable and I have never felt tired even on journeys that have spanned for 15+ hours. I drove from Sissu to Delhi on a single stretch and I didn't feel a thing.
- The breaking is amazing and it makes you feel in full control even at higher speeds.
- Plenty of space.

Now, talking about thing that I really dislike about the car
- My biggest pain point is noise coming out of the engine, and specially if I'm driving at anything between 25-35 KMPH, the engine is continously revving towards 2k RPM and I don't think a car of this caliber should be doing this.

I don't know if this is because my previous car was a petrol engine (i20 Elite), but I haven't been enjoying the car in the city and there have been multiple occassions when I've thought of to sell the car. I'm not really sure if XUV 700 is designed to up-shift to a higher gear post 35 KMPH or I've got a lemon which feels like a drag at lower speeds. I spoke to the service agent and as per them this is normal. Before buying this, I test drove the petrol version which (for obvious reasons) felt way more smoother and I couldn't even feel the change in gears which is very clearly felt in the diesel variant.
It'll be great if other owner can share if they've experienced something similar. Thanks in advance.
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Old 5th July 2023, 00:11   #8678
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by theOneWhoRides View Post
- My biggest pain point is noise coming out of the engine, and specially if I'm driving at anything between 25-35 KMPH, the engine is continously revving towards 2k RPM and I don't think a car of this caliber should be doing this.

I don't know if this is because my previous car was a petrol engine (i20 Elite), but I haven't been enjoying the car in the city and there have been multiple occassions when I've thought of to sell the car. I'm not really sure if XUV 700 is designed to up-shift to a higher gear post 35 KMPH or I've got a lemon which feels like a drag at lower speeds. I spoke to the service agent and as per them this is normal. Before buying this, I test drove the petrol version which (for obvious reasons) felt way more smoother and I couldn't even feel the change in gears which is very clearly felt in the diesel variant.
It'll be great if other owner can share if they've experienced something similar. Thanks in advance.
The XUV's diesel automatic upshifts above 2K rpm all the time. I know the noise is irritating; I drive a manual, and the sound of the engine at 2k is really irritating, but believe me, it's actually good for the engine (low soot generation, hence fewer DPF-clogged warnings). You'll get used to it with time. While the petrol XUV is much smoother, its fuel efficiency is almost 60% that of the diesel one. Just keep enjoying the car.
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Old 5th July 2023, 02:03   #8679
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by roaringfours View Post
Hi.. i have got 3M CR 70 installed on the front windshied..absolutely no issues with water seepage as the dashboard was covered well by the such not much liquid is used for summers it’s a boon to have sunfilm and it’s not noticeable at issues in night driving, infact the 3M film reduces glare from oncoming vehicle headlights..on the window glasses i have got 3M CR90 which is almost transparent but reduces heat though lesser than 70..
Well, as I type this out,I am trying out a piece of CR70, which I got installed on my front windshield.Which is not showing any glare reduction of headlights compared to the stock windshield.Regarding heat,I need to wait for a hot sunny day.Dealer quoted 40K for CR70 on all 8 glasses.
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Old 5th July 2023, 07:47   #8680
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by theOneWhoRides View Post

Now, talking about thing that I really dislike about the car
- My biggest pain point is noise coming out of the engine, and specially if I'm driving at anything between 25-35 KMPH, the engine is continously revving towards 2k RPM and I don't think a car of this caliber should be doing this.

I don't know if this is because my previous car was a petrol engine (i20 Elite), but I haven't been enjoying the car in the city and there have been multiple occassions when I've thought of to sell the car. I'm not really sure if XUV 700 is designed to up-shift to a higher gear post 35 KMPH or I've got a lemon which feels like a drag at lower speeds. I spoke to the service agent and as per them this is normal. Before buying this, I test drove the petrol version which (for obvious reasons) felt way more smoother and I couldn't even feel the change in gears which is very clearly felt in the diesel variant.
It'll be great if other owner can share if they've experienced something similar. Thanks in advance.
Please my posts about this on the thread ,

- (Mahindra XUV700 Review)

- (Mahindra XUV700 Review)

There is nothing wrong, that's how it is and for a reason
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Old 5th July 2023, 09:12   #8681
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

The day before yesterday, I was trying out Advanced emergency braking system (AEBS) & Adaptive cruise control (ACC) on a single-lane road. Traffic was below normal due to rainy conditions. I triggered the ACC while following a motorcycle.

ACC was set at 47Kmph and it was working like a charm.

A few points were noticed.

1, It went down automatically to the low speed of 6kmph.

2, A scenario rose where the motorcycle overtook another two-wheeler and so XUV7OO got too close to the two-wheeler which was not comfortable per se, and I applied the brakes & switched off AEBS.

3, A pothole/bump detection would be more preferable in our conditions.

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Old 5th July 2023, 13:21   #8682
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Hi team,

I've had the car for almost 8 months now and I'll share my ownership experience (with many ups and down) soon, but right now, I am trying to find a way to get our 2nd key. The service centre has no clue about it. I have been in touch with the GM of Shiva Auto, Sahibabad for the past 2 months, but got no real update. I even got hold of the area customer service manager, but got the same lacklustre response.

Nobody knows the whereabouts of the key. The Twitter ID of Mahindra customer care used to respond earlier, but now, even they have gone silent on this matter. I am fed up with Mahindra's after-sales service. How do I escalate this? How long does it generally take to receive the 2nd key?

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Old 5th July 2023, 20:28   #8683
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by niranjan.mulye View Post
I kept a wet carry bag on the rear seat(middle part without perforations) unknowingly. Bhpians please help on what can be done
Once I got designs from dress printed on the seat. Similarly, nothing worked, but it went away after a few days when people sat over it a few times. Probably you need give it some time.
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Old 6th July 2023, 09:05   #8684
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by impala View Post
Once I got designs from dress printed on the seat. Similarly, nothing worked, but it went away after a few days when people sat over it a few times. Probably you need give it some time.
Yes the detailer in my city said the same. That it will go away with time as people sit on it. Hoping for the best🤞
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Old 6th July 2023, 10:07   #8685
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Re: Mahindra XUV700 Review

Originally Posted by faithless_1984 View Post
I even got hold of the area customer service manager but got the same lackluster response.
Nobody knows the whereabouts of the keys. Twitter id of mahindra customer care used to respond earlier but now even they have gone silent on this matter.
Tweet your ordeal to Mr. Anand Mahindra - you'll receive your response soon.

I received my second key within four months. Enquire if the dealer/ ASC has un-allocated dockets of the second key fob and check personally if your docket is there. You'll need the key code/ last 6 digits of VIN/ customer code to located your key fob.
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